Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(40)

“Okay, so what are we having for dinner?” I had to laugh, she was a girl, but she didn’t really like talking about her feelings much, that was for sure.

“I’m not sure, we’d have to see what I have here. Would you like to make something together with me?” I asked her and she nodded eagerly.

Christina and I went down to the kitchen to make spaghetti and meatballs; we made the meatballs from scratch and everything turned out great.

The more and more Christina stayed over, the more I wanted to ask her to move in with me. I knew it was a bit soon, but I simply wanted to be with her as much as possible. She fell asleep in my arms again that night and I started thinking of ways to politely tell her that she was moving in with me.

The following morning Christina had to go into Six Fountain to fill out her new hire paperwork so that she could start working. I loved that she was excited for her new job. Christina promised to visit me at work after she was done at Six Fountain and then I headed off to work. I had to put on my game face to deal with everything that was going on with the investigation and our pending deal. Hopefully, Vanessa had gotten somewhere with the US Air Force.

“He’s here! Thank goodness, we need you to sign a bunch of stuff, Jeff, also Vanessa wants to see you in her office ASAP.”

I hurried into my office while Victor fell into step behind me. I listened to any updates he had for me and then took a look at the legal documents I had to sign and went through them with Victor. Just going through all of them took up half of my morning. Afterwards, I went to meet with Vanessa who had rather hopeful news to share with me.

“The Air Force is interested in buying in on a supplier contract with us…though it’s pending with the all clear concerning Ireland,” Vanessa said bluntly shortly after I walked into her office.

“That’s fine, it’ll harden the blow once it’s been proven that we’re clean and our deal with Ireland is corruption free.” I smiled at the thought of those Greywing bastards reading about our deal with USAF.

I sent a text to Victor, on a whim, to set up a lunch with the CEO of Greywing, Robert Kline. I wanted to talk to the man face to face and see why the hell he was interfering with Stargate’s business endeavors.

Victor sent back a strange text about my needing to take an early lunch. I called him and he answered on the second ring.

“What was that about lunch?” I asked and checked my watch, it was only eleven o’clock.

“Yes, you should go out for an early lunch.”

“Victor, we’re in the middle of an investigation and pending lawsuit, since when do I even eat lunch in tense situations like this?”

Something was up. Vanessa was looking at me curiously; she was wondering just as much as I was.

“Okay fine, forget the lunch. Just don’t come up to your office. There’s been a gas leak…you could die…”

I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily.

“Just tell me what the problem is, Victor,” I said impatiently.

There was a long silence on the other end of the line and I wondered if he had hung up the phone.

“It’s Roxanna. She’s here in your office waiting to speak with you.”

My eyebrows furrowed and I wondered what the f*ck she was doing there.

“Why is she there?” I asked and glanced at Vanessa like she would know her face was a question mark and she waited to be informed of what was going on.

“Why the f*ck should I know? She just showed up and breezed right in all, ‘I need to speak with Jeff, I’ll wait until he gets back,’ piece of work that one is,” Victor said.

He did not like Roxanna at all, especially not after how she left me. I had thought I really loved her and she simply up and decided she did not want me anymore.

“I’m coming up there,” I said on a heavy sigh. I hung up the phone on Victor, who was advising against it, and strode out of Vanessa’s office. I heard her pick up the phone, probably to call Victor and ask what the hell was going on. I tried to keep calm while on the elevator ride up to my office.

All I could think about was how much I wanted to kick Roxanna out and tell her not to bother me again. I kept that happy thought in mind as I made my way down the hall and to my office. I passed by Victor’s office and he was simply shaking his head at me while on the phone with Vanessa.

I strode into the office and there she was. Roxanna was beautiful. She always had been, she was tall with the perfect hourglass figure. She was slender, though, and had creamy alabaster skin. Her face was flawless and she had the biggest chocolate brown eyes. Her hair was the color of mahogany and fell in artful waves down her back and over her shoulders. I hated her for being there and bringing up memories of the past.

“Jeff! Look at you, sexy as usual, though you aren’t my little engineer anymore.” Roxanna smiled as if she was pleased to see me and strode over from her perch on my desk. She pulled me into a hug and kissed me lingeringly on the cheek. Why was she there? What was she after?

“Hey Roxanna…why the sudden visit?” I asked, my tone bored. Roxanna pouted and walked back to my desk so she could shimmy onto the edge and have a seat. She wore a form fitting black dress that stopped at her knees. Of course the damn thing rode up as she perched at the edge of my desk. She wore black heels with bright red bottoms.

“I’ve seen your pictures and have wondered how you’ve been…I also saw you decided to take on the responsibilities of running Stargate and not simply be one of its engineers.” Roxanna smiled almost smugly. I would bet much of what I held dear on the fact that she left me because I was getting paid as an engineer instead of as the boss.

Alexis Gold's Books