Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(37)

Austin’s smile widened and he sat forward.

“Yes, exactly, because she hasn’t walked away. That’s pretty much our motto at Six Fountain, ‘If they haven’t walked away, you’ve got ‘em.' We go after every opportunity to lessen the percentage that a consumer won’t buy a product.” Austin told me some more about Six Fountain and his advertising team. The more he talked about it, the more excited I got to start working for him.

“So, have I done a good job of convincing you yet?” I laughed and Austin grinned. He certainly did not have to sell me on Six Fountain.

“I’m already sold, Austin, I’d love to work at Six Fountain,” Austin smiled wide and stood up. So did I and he surprised me by pulling me into a hug.

“Great! It’s awesome to have you on board. So I’ll shoot you an email tonight with some info and you can come by the offices tomorrow to fill out all the paperwork and stuff, then we can get started!”

I laughed at Austin’s exuberance. Really I was just as excited, I was finally doing what I set out to do in this city. And I owed it to Jeffrey.



Work was hectic that day, and I wasn’t focused. All I could think about was Christina, was she still in my bed, lounging around naked? Was she getting ready for her interview? Did her interview go well? Did that Austin guy hit on her, was he professional? Did she get the job? Most importantly, when was she going to come by for our office sex?

“Hey Jeff, Christina is here to see you,” Victor paged me over the phone, his voice was colored with exaggerated interest.

“Send her in,” I paged him back and a minute later she was walking through the doors to my office. She looked amazing in a blue summer skirt with a form fitting white tank top and a light blazer to complete her look. I glanced at the time and saw it was twelve forty-five, she must have just come from her interview.

I glanced down at her feet and saw she was, of course, wearing heels. They were wedges, but she still looked too sexy to be out in public in my opinion.

“Guess what?!”

I looked up at her face as she skipped over to me and I caught her in my arms when she reached my desk.

“I’m guessing you got the job?” I asked. Her caramel colored eyes were alight with happiness as she nodded. I couldn’t help but press a kiss to her lips, she was really cute when excited. Christina nodded, her curly black hair bounced around in its ponytail. I brushed a few strands of hair out of her face and then sat down in my desk chair while I pulled her onto my lap.

“Austin was really smart, but he was great and really excited about his work. Which got me excited for working for him. I’m going to be starting in just a couple of days, that’s how much he wanted me on his team!”

I placed my hand on her knee and caressed her leg up to her thigh.

“You went to your interview dressed like this? Please tell me you changed in the car…”

Christina’s eyebrows furrowed with bemusement and she glanced down at her long bare legs.

“This is appropriate for work, plus Austin was dressed casually as well. Oh and get this, he was the model who had congratulated me for quitting with Marissa last night at the shoot.”

Christina went on about how it was a small world and gushed over what she would be doing at Six Fountain when she started working, but all I could think about was how we had met at a photo shoot. Now she was sitting on my lap in my office, soon she’d be working for Austin every damn day.

“So how was your day?” Christina looked at me expectantly and she smiled happily. I couldn’t help but kiss her again.

“It’s better now that you’re here. I couldn’t focus much. I was missing you.”

Christina smiled shyly and she leaned in to press another kiss to my lips.

“I do have to thank you though…for getting me noticed by Six Fountain in the first place.” Christina’s tone was soft and her lips were nearing my neck. I smiled. I had been waiting on this for a while. Christina kissed my neck and her fingers began loosening my tie.

“Is the door locked?” she whispered against my skin and I cursed. I had been so excited about her being there that I forgot to lock the doors after she came in. “I’ll go and lock it,” she said with a giggle and then slid from my lap to walk across the room.

Christina returned to the desk after locking the door and I picked her up and brought her over to the couch. She already had my blood boiling from her entire outfit, the look of her long legs, and her excitement. I just wanted to own all of her. We managed to keep things quiet and in under thirty minutes.

She was in my bathroom cleaning up while I fixed the couch from having traveled halfway across the room. She walked out looking good as new, when before her skirt was turned around, her ponytail was pulled free, and her shirt was pushed up.

“Have you…ever had office sex before?” she asked me tentatively. I could tell she was actually curious and not insecure about it.

“Not in this office, no. There’s no one else I’d rather make love to in here anyway.” I said the thought out loud after I answered her question and I froze.

Christina looked at me strangely and my heart pounded as I waited to see how she would take it.

“Was this…your father’s office?”

I nodded and Christina glanced around with new awareness in her eyes. I knew how I felt about her deep down, I was just unsure if I was ready to admit it out loud yet.

Alexis Gold's Books