Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(34)

“It could have been worse, really. Then I had a few meetings with certain suppliers; that was tiring, having to explain everything over and over again. No one likes doing more than they signed on for, even in the event of an accident.” Jeffrey shook his head, his expression was disdainful. “Just a bunch of businessmen worried about the bottom line.”

I took a sip of the white wine and watched Jeffrey as he cooked. He really did know what he was doing, it was as if he cooked for himself all the time. I couldn’t imagine someone like Jeffrey, a billionaire, coming home and making himself a steak or something, when he could just as easily go out and have one served to him.

“So you really love your planes, huh?” I asked and then took another sip of the wine.

Jeffrey’s green hazel eyes lit up at the mention of his planes.

“I freaking love them. Just like little kids grow up with train or toy car collections, I grew up with airplane collections. Then I went on to being an engineer just so that I could work on the planes within my dad’s company.

“I have a pilot’s license too. But then my dad got sick and started to decline. I saw that he really needed someone at the head of the company overseeing everything and not just the plane manufacturing part of things.” Jeffrey’s tone grew fond when he spoke about his father and it was clear to see the respect he still had for his dad’s memory.

“Do you miss him?”

Jeffrey nodded, his expression sincere and almost misty.

“I miss him all the time, especially whenever I hit a problem I know he’d be able to handle that I would need help with. Or even whenever I simply want to tell him something, you know?” I nodded, yeah I did know. “But I get through it, I miss him for a little while and then think of a funny moment we shared together and it helps.” Jeffrey smiled and then went back to chopping. He had fresh pasta in a baggie and set a pot of water to boil while he started to get the shrimp ready to sauté.

“Hey, I like you…” the words kind of leapt from my mouth before I could have even processed the fact that I wanted to say them.

Jeffrey looked up at me and he smiled from ear to ear.

“You do?” he looked like he just received a love note from his crush or something. His smile was adorable.

“Yeah…I do and—you know I’m sensitive…so I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to hurt me, okay?” I just went with it and told him exactly how I felt. It was perplexing how my mouth just spat words out at him before my brain could keep up.

“Christina, I wouldn’t dream of it…I like you, too.” Jeffrey was looking at me intently and I wouldn’t let myself imagine he meant more than what he actually said. “I really love spending time with you, it’s like I never want you to leave. All day, I just wanted to call you or show up at your job and…I don’t know, have a quickie in the janitor’s closet.”

I smiled; I couldn’t believe he actually thought about me while he was at work.

“Well, maybe tomorrow I could show up at your job…”

Jeffrey’s expression grew so excited I had to laugh.

“Yes! Yes, please come by so we can have sex in one of the janitor’s closets,” Jeffrey begged me and I laughed again.

“You’re such a little kid, Jeffrey,” I said with a joking admonishment.

“Only when it comes to you. When you’re around, I feel I can be myself, even Victor hasn’t seen how goofy I can get.” Jeffrey grinned and I giggled. “Then again, I think I just like to hear you laugh.”

Jeffrey had a tender expression on his face while he looked at me and I bit my lip before taking another drink of my wine. He started actually cooking dinner and my mouth watered at the scents coming from that stove.

“Jeffrey, the smell is killing me, when will it be ready?” I asked impatiently while peeking over at the sautéing veggies.

Jeffrey finally added the shrimp and cooked them for a short while before it was ready.

“I just have to make the sauce really quickly and then we can eat.”

Jeffrey made the creamy garlic sauce and then plated everything for us. He came to sit down next to me and I took a bite of the shrimp pasta with garlic sauce. The food touched my soul, it was that good. Jeffrey smiled at me while I ate and moaned at how good the food was.

“Is it weird that I’m getting a little turned on by how much you’re enjoying my cooking?” I giggled and Jeffrey grinned.

After dinner, I brought up the awkward topic of my going back home for the night.

“Do you have to leave? Can’t you just pack another bag and then come right back?” Jeffrey asked, he was completely serious.

“Seriously, Jeffrey? We haven’t been apart since our first date…”

Jeffrey was no longer playful or cajoling, he was becoming more and more serious.

“Yes, seriously. I don’t like being away from you and I know I won’t get any sleep without you in my bed,” he said bluntly.

I stared at him in shock, I just didn’t know what to think.

“Jeffrey, this is…going really fast, I think we should be able to spend a night away from each other,” I protested.

“Says who? Don’t you want to be with me, too?” I did…but I just didn’t know if that was healthy, quite frankly. “So why are we even discussing it then? You’ll pack a bag and then come back here to spend the night with me.”

Alexis Gold's Books