Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(30)

“You got that?” I made sure she understood and she simply nodded.

“Good…now come on, let’s take a shower, I want to see you wet and naked,” I said. I chased Christina into the bathroom where we did a lot more than simply shower. After we got out and settled into bed, I found a good movie we could watch, The Devil Wears Prada.

Christina got a kick out of the fact that I loved Anne Hathaway and teased me about it. But then I recalled her telling me how much she loved Pixar movies and I highlighted the fact that at least I didn’t own The Devil Wears Prada. I saw first-hand Christina’s collection of Pixar movies, in Blu-ray, no less.

“Have you seen the newer Les Mis?” I asked her in all seriousness as our debate was coming to a close.

“No I haven’t, actually…” Christina said while looking at me skeptically, wondering where I was going with it.

“Well, one of these days we’re going to watch the DVD and then you can tell me you’re still not a fan of Anne.”

Christina cracked up and I grinned. I didn’t care, guys were allowed to like actresses, too. After Christina sobered from her laughter, she grabbed my face to turn my head towards her and she pressed a sound kiss to my lips.



I fell asleep in Jeffrey’s arms yet again and I couldn’t deny how much I liked it. I was losing myself to him and I didn’t know how to slow it down. He just did things to worm his way into my heart and I knew soon that he’d have the power to break it.

When Monday morning came around, my phone went off. This time there was no morning headache, as a nice tune played instead of that blaring alarm clock sound. I smirked. Well, if there was no morning headache, then the day was bound to be a pretty good day. Jeffrey woke at the same time I did, surprisingly. Since Jeffrey lived only a twenty-minute ride away from my job, I actually had an extra half hour of sleep.

I turned off my alarm and stretched while Jeffrey pressed a kiss on my shoulder before he got out of bed. He grinned at me while he stood, completely naked, and then put his hands on his hips. I could tell he was definitely awake as my eyes traveled down the length of his body.

“So are you ready for today? When are you going to do it? In the morning or before you come back home?”

I tilted my head at Jeffrey’s question, I wasn’t sure if he realized how he phrased it. Come back home? Did he maybe mean go back home? I decided to let it slide as he just woke up out of bed and all.

“I think I’ll get one last day of work in and then tell Marissa before I leave for good,” I said while nodding to myself. Yeah, that was the better plan rather than feeling completely terrible for quitting and leaving them all day without someone to get their breakfast and lunch.

“Cool, if you can, please try and record it for me. I just want to see Marissa’s face when you tell her, or hear her, I only have to hear her, really.” Jeffrey begged me to record Marissa while I told her that I would be quitting all through brushing our teeth and getting ready for the day. We were heading out to the car when I finally told him no.

“Well, fine, but you have to tell me everything, detail for shiny detail.” Jeffrey grinned and I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. Sometimes he was just a big kid.

“Okay, I’ll tell you all about it after work,” I promised. Jeffrey’s driver dropped me off at Urban Plus and Jeffrey made a show of kissing me in front of the building before I went up. I almost didn’t want our perfect weekend to end, and Jeffrey looked delicious in his tailored blue suit, like he was ready for a photo shoot at any time.

I took a deep breath and went inside to head up to the office. Jennie was all smiles when I walked in and I looked at her cautiously. “Hey Jennie…what’s up?” I asked and she grinned at me like she knew something I probably should have been in on.

“You’re dating Jeffrey Bates, the Jeffrey Bates,” Jennie gushed and I shushed her so she could keep her voice down. “Oh, the entire office knows, Marissa is a horrible gossip, and get this, I think she actually likes you more because of it.”

My expression was a question mark.

“Seriously?” I asked incredulously and Jennie nodded sagely.

“You’ll see,” she grinned and then pointed me over to my desk. I went to clock in and then took a deep breath before I poked my head into Marissa’s office.

“There’s my Target girl! Christina, come in, come in,” Marissa gestured me into her office and I walked in feeling suspicious of her oddly happy greeting. “So before you go and get breakfast, you have to tell me, what was your weekend with him like? What did you do?” She wanted to have girl talk? I blinked away the shock before I simply went to sit across from her desk.

“Well…it was wonderful honestly. He spoiled me a little, but, of course, instead of getting him to stop, I simply have to get used to it, I guess.”

“Of course you have to get used to it, Jeffrey is a billionaire, there’s nothing he can’t afford to give you if he wants to,” Marissa scoffed. “So continue, was there passion between you two? I’m hoping this relationship will go somewhere, Christina. The two of you make a surprisingly beautiful couple.”

I was shocked, she was complimenting me? Like in a socially acceptable compliment and not a weird insult covered compliment that was expected of Marissa.

Alexis Gold's Books