Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(25)

“Spank me?” I smirked and then simply nodded. “Well God forbid that ever has to happen…” she mumbled to herself while she zipped up the bag and walked over to me so we could go.

Christina and I headed back down to the car and then we were on the way home.

Hopefully, if things went well with us in the coming weeks, I could convince her to just move in with me. I had this odd feeling that I wouldn’t like being away from her for too long.

Christina dozed on the ride back to my place and I let her sleep, because she wouldn’t be getting much once we got home. Those strappy heels she wore made her already incredible legs look even better.

I wanted to kiss every inch of both legs and rest them on my shoulders while I watched her tits bounce with each of my thrusts. Sunday we would end up sleeping all day from exhaustion alone, I thought. I managed to keep my hands to myself as we made our way into the house and then we proceeded to settle all my fantasies of her in those heels. After we showered and got into bed, I held her close and we both fell asleep as if on command.

Sometime just before dawn, Christina stirred in my arms, I felt her upset even though she wasn’t particularly acting out in her sleep. The devastated look on her sleeping face made my heart wrench and I gently shook her awake out of the bad dream.

“Baby what is it? What did you dream about?” I held her close as she wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my chest.

“I…I had a dream about my parents…I miss them,” she whispered brokenly and I felt her wet tears on my skin. I forced her to look at me by lifting her chin and then I cupped her face in my hands so I could wipe away her tears with my thumbs.

Her caramel colored eyes glistened with unshed tears and my heart broke at the anguish she was feeling.

“I just miss them so much…I—they died too soon, I wasn’t ready to lose them yet…”

I kissed away her tears and she held on to me tight.

“It’s alright, it’s okay to cry for them, baby.” I simply held her while she grieved over the memory of her parents and once her tears were dried up, we went into the kitchen for some hot chocolate in the middle of August.

“What were they like?” I asked her tentatively, the only way she was going to be able to deal with any of that was if she spoke about them and remembered the good times, and remembered everything they taught her.

“My mom was beautiful, she always had a smile on her face and a joke to tell. Which was great because my dad was sometimes the grumpiest and most serious man you could ever meet, though he always smiled for me and her. He’d always say we were the lights of his life…then my mom would poke fun at him for being a sap…” Christina smiled while she got lost in the fond memory.

A dreamy faraway look crossed her features and the tightness in my chest at her suffering began to ease. She pulled her robe close around her before taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

“You know, my dad used to make me hot chocolate whenever I was down…it’s my favorite drink.”

She smiled before taking a sip and I walked around the island to stand behind her and held her in my arms.

“Do you think your parents would’ve liked me?”

Christina laughed and I wondered if it was a “fat chance” laugh or a “they would’ve loved you!” laugh.

“My dad was hard to win over whenever it came to guys in my life; my mom was easier, but she had her secret opinions…I think she would have liked you. Yes.

You manage to sometimes force me out of my insecurities and shyness. My dad, you probably would have had to talk business with, so he could find out how responsible you are, then maybe he’d like you,” she explained.

I smiled, that was good enough for me. From what Christina told me of her parents, I thought I would have hit it off great with her dad. Speaking of parents, I know my mom would love Christina. Just from her dimples alone, my mother would definitely pull me aside somewhere to beg me to make grandkids with Christina. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted Christina to meet my mom.

“Hey, I just thought of something we could do tomorrow…or today rather,” I amended when I saw the time, it was nearly five in the morning. Christina looked at me curiously and I grinned. “Saturday’s are usually when I visit my mom, I completely bailed on dinner, so maybe we can go visit her around dinner time?”

Christina chewed on her lip nervously.

“You want me to meet your mother?” she asked incredulously.

I knew it was kind of soon to ask that, but I was a hundred percent sure it was what I wanted.

“Yes, definitely, I know she’ll love you,” I said earnestly. Christina seemed really nervous about that possibility and I decided that it was definitely too soon for her, even though the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it to happen.

“Alright, we can wait on meeting my mom…but I do want you to meet her, you guys would hit it off.” I didn’t want Christina thinking I was saying all of that just because she was feeling sad about her parents.

“I’d like to…just not yet,” Christina said softly. I nodded and then bent to kiss her on the cheek. We finished our cocoa in comfortable silence and then I pulled her back to bed with me where she fell asleep easily. I watched her rest for a long while before I finally let myself fall asleep.

Alexis Gold's Books