Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(23)

“Please say you’re not pissed with me, that came out all wrong in the car.” Jeffrey’s tone was pleading as he pulled me to a stop before we could go inside. His gaze was earnest and intent on mine.

“It’s fine, Jeffrey, really I know what you meant…though I wouldn’t mind if you bulldozed the room,” I said cheekily. Jeffrey looked at me while he considered if I was joking or not. I smirked and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“I wasn’t kidding, though, when I said that I’ve never felt this way that I feel when I’m with you…”

I gave a small, shy smile and Jeffrey leaned down to press two soft kisses to my lips.

“Sheesh guys, everywhere we go. Just get a room already, Jeff,” Vanessa snickered as she and Vic passed by us.

“And all out in the open too. Jeff, I thought you had more restraint than that.” Victor, of course, had to get a jab in and he snickered right along with Vanessa as they breezed inside. I just laughed by that point, no longer too embarrassed; they had great timing for showing up.

“Ignore them, they’re jealous of our passion,” Jeffrey said loud enough so they could hear as we followed them inside. Victor gave an exaggerated laugh as we walked up to the host’s podium. Jeffrey gave his name and we were shown to our table right away. Le Pas was really nice, the setting inside was intimate and warm, and there were a lot of patrons inside. One could tell from just how busy they were how good the food there was going to be.

“So, Christina, what do you do for a living?” Vanessa opened up the conversation and I told them that I worked for Urban Plus. “Oh that’s Jeffrey’s agency, is that how you two met?” Vanessa asked curiously.

“Yeah, I went to one of his shoots with my boss and he asked me to help him with his tie.” I glanced over at Jeffrey, who was smiling as if he were proud of himself.

“Yep, that’s how I made the first move, but then I almost let her slip through my fingers because I was too dazzled by her to ask for her number while she was in front of me. I had to track her down through Marissa.”

I guess both Vanessa and Vic knew who Marissa was, because they simply nodded along while Jeffrey spoke.

“Then I showed up at her place a couple mornings later and now here we are.” Jeffrey smiled wide and Victor snorted, while Vanessa looked at him with raised eyebrows.

“You stalked her? How could you just show up at her house? Jeffrey, you are such a psycho, how’d you ever convince her to go out with you?”

I laughed at Vanessa calling Jeffrey a stalker. When she put it that way I could easily see how I should’ve taken Jeffrey as a stalker. Had he not have been wealthy, I would definitely have been creeped out that he showed up at my house.

“Oh, thank God you didn’t think I was stalking you.” Jeffrey was horrified at the possibility and I laughed again.

“I think maybe if you hadn’t had been so persistent in trying to convince me how you felt, I would have come to that realization on my own.” I thought several factors played into the fact that I completely bypassed the possibility of him being a stalker. For one, he was gorgeous, he was wealthy, he was also Jeffrey Bates…he didn’t come across as the stalker type.

“Though, if you were a stalker you’d be a good one, because you’re kind of unsuspecting, I think,” I added and everyone laughed.

“Yeah, he is, which is why I find concern with this whole situation,” Vanessa quipped and I laughed again; she sure was witty.

“I promise you baby, I’m not a stalker, though I’m a little crazy about you,” Jeffrey said with a cheesy grin. I rolled my eyes and smiled reluctantly.

“Aww, Jeffrey you’re so cute when you’re with her,” Vanessa gushed and Victor chuckled.

I expected him to make some quip, but he simply took a drink from his water glass before adding to Vanessa’s comment.

“Seriously, I don’t think you even acted like this with Roxanna…” Vanessa nudged Victor with her elbow and he trailed off, looking guilty as if he made a faux pas.

I glanced over at Jeffrey, who simply sighed, though his mood wasn’t ruined.

“Roxanna was my last serious relationship,” Jeffrey explained, his tone bored. Ah, an ex…I could see why Vanessa would elbow Vic for bringing up the name. I simply nodded so we could move on from the topic of Roxanna.

During dinner, I got to know Victor and Vanessa pretty well. Vanessa had worked for Jeffrey and Stargate for two years before she was finally promoted to her position as head of public relations. She got to negotiate with any interested parties looking to deal with Stargate in any way, whether as a client or potential partner.

She also oversaw Stargate and their public face, which meant she had to approve any articles being done on Stargate and any of its members.

Meanwhile, Victor was Jeffrey’s assistant, whose opinion Jeffrey took very seriously when it came to the company’s operations. The three were also good friends and I could see how Vic and Vanessa got together, they were obviously attracted to and fond of each other.

Plus, their personalities complemented one another so it was fun to see them act and react off each other. Vanessa took down my number before we all parted ways and she promised me a manicure date soon. We said our goodbyes and then I was getting into Jeffrey’s car, once again.

“That was fun, I really liked Vic and Vanessa,” I said, once Jeffrey was inside.

Alexis Gold's Books