Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(19)

He was trying not to be rude I could tell, though he was quickly losing his patience as the woman wasn’t picking up on his hints that he wanted to get back to his breakfast/late lunch in peace. Not to mention he was with a date! I couldn’t believe I was getting so jealous.

Then my insecurity reared its head and had a way of making me think that I was interrupting their chat. I’m sure the woman was more his type; she was really pretty, tall, and had nice curves, she was…white. I sighed and shut down that train of thought before it could fester and boil. I guess I sighed loudly, because the woman turned her head to glance at me disdainfully.

“Excuse me, I’m on a date and you’re interrupting.” Jeffrey’s tone was dismissive and thank goodness the brunette had dignity, because she actually apologized, to Jeffrey, of course, and then left.

“I’m sorry about that…I really can’t help it now.”

I waved away Jeffrey’s apologies.

“There’s nothing for you to be sorry about…I know you're a model, and a rich one, at that. People are bound to come up to you and will try and get inside your pants or your wallet…” I trailed off, wondering if I could have offended him with any of that. There went my mouth again just talking without any filter.

“You’ve got that right. The people I meet nowadays all seem so shallow, it’s rare I find someone genuine.” Jeffrey looked at me meaningfully and I gave him a small smile. We were able to enjoy our breakfast/late lunch after that and I found Jeffrey was right about the pancakes and hash browns. The entire breakfast was amazing.

“So, you’ll love the Met. They have all these great exhibits and their collection of art is really diverse,” Jeffrey held my hand as we walked up to the grand entrance of the building. The architecture was beautiful and there were a lot of people going in and out. Jeffrey paid our admission and he acted as my tour guide throughout much of the museum.

He turned out to be quite the art buff and I found it entertaining and endearing that he got so excited when showing me a piece of art he knew a lot about. After the Met, we went to get ice cream, as we were still kind of full from our late lunch/ breakfast.

“You’re kind of great, you know that?”

I quirked an eyebrow at him and smirked.

“Kind of?” I asked him and he gave me a coy smile and shrugged. I lightly punched his arm and we continued meandering down the sidewalk, looking for a table outside the ice cream shop to sit.

“Hey Jeff!” A male voice, thankfully, called out Jeffrey’s name and we both turned around to see who it was. A tall, muscular guy waved from one of the ice cream shop tables out on the sidewalk.

“Oh, hey that’s my assistant, Victor.” Jeffrey took my hand and we walked towards his best friend, who seemed to be on a date. They made a beautiful couple. Victor was dark and handsome with an almost bad boy feel to him and his date was the definition of a blonde bombshell.

“Victor, Vanessa, this is Christina, my date,” Jeffrey introduced us and we all shook hands and exchanged hellos.

“Wow, it’s nice to meet you, Christina. Jeff here had been going on about you in the office.” Victor’s tone was teasing and Vanessa nudged him.

“Really?” I asked and Victor nodded, good humor in his dark brown eyes.

“Yeah, I teased him and he got all defensive over you, it was cute really.”

I smiled and glanced at Jeffrey who actually stuck his tongue out at Victor.

“You can’t talk, Victor, you’re way down the line. Further gone than I am and you know it.” Jeffrey pointed to Vanessa, who looked at Victor with a quirked brow, as if to say, ‘he’d be in trouble if he didn’t agree.”

“Yeah, well I can still make fun of you, pretty boy,” Victor said while looking at Vanessa. They were obviously in love and it actually made my heart squeeze to see it. I didn’t even know these guys; they were just in that blissful stage.

“Blech, you guys are too sweet, wasn’t the ice cream enough?” Jeffrey teased them before he kissed my temple, making me smile. I tried not to let my ice cream melt and was glad Jeffrey thought to put it in a waffle bowl rather than a waffle cone.

“So, what have you two been up to today?” Vanessa directed the question at me and I looked up at her with a friendly smile.

“We had a late breakfast at the pancake house on Second Ave and 72nd Street. After that we were at the Met. Jeffrey is a real art buff.” I glanced at him and he shrugged.

“What can I say, I like art. Later, we’re going to see the ballet at the Lincoln Center and have dinner at Le Pas afterward. I have two extra tickets to the ballet if you guys want to come along?” Jeffrey invited them to sort of double date with us and I couldn’t help but be pleased that he was already introducing me to his friends and wanted me to hang out with them.

“That sounds amazing. I love Le Pas they have amazing lamb chops and pork tenderloin,” Vanessa gushed and looked over at Victor excitedly. “Let’s go with them. I haven’t been to see the summer show yet either. It sounds fun.”

She sounded almost like she was dying to get out and I wondered if Victor had the woman locked up inside or something…well, from the way they were looking at each other, I’d say they probably were locked up together for a while.

“Yeah, we need to get out anyway. That sounds great, when is the ballet?”

Alexis Gold's Books