Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(22)

I nodded, he was a veritable genius and one of the few who actually played by the rules. I smiled when I realized what Jeffrey was doing. He was trying to get me to think about them, to remember and not cry as I did it.

“He was. He was the best in the state, probably the entire east coast, and a genius with numbers and patterns. A lot of people came to him for advice and paid him to handle their money. Some paid him a lot more than others, depending on who they were.”

One thing my father kept as a strict rule was to never breach his clients’ confidentiality. Though he’d drop hints, I never knew if my dad really worked for Bill Gates or some regular Joe off the street who simply looked like the guy.

“See, you’re smiling. Was that so bad?” Jeffrey nudged me, I rolled my eyes at him and smiled reluctantly. Jeffrey put his finger under my chin and turned my head towards him, his lips pressed softly against mine, and then again, before Victor and Vanessa walked back in.

“Were we interrupting something here?” Victor smirked at us and I smiled, embarrassed.

Jeffrey simply chuckled and then made me squeal when he swept me into a low dip across his lap and then kissed me deeply. When he righted me, Vanessa was giggling and I buried my face in my hands for a short moment, further embarrassed.

“Now you guys are interrupting something,” Jeffrey grinned like an idiot and I smacked his chest, causing him to grin like a little kid who could do no wrong.

The show continued and it was beautiful. One talent I always wished I had was the ability to be a ballet dancer. While we were leaving the theater, Jeffrey held me close and then whispered in my ear as we were waiting for our car.

“Did you enjoy the show?”

I smiled up at him and nodded, still feeling a bit awed from the beauty of the ballet dancers.

“I’m glad, and you’ll love dinner at Le Pas, their food is great and they don’t give you skimpy portions either, which is sort of unusual for a gourmet restaurant.” Jeffrey and I got into his car when the driver pulled up, and Vic and Vanessa got into theirs right behind us.

“Hey, you said Victor was your assistant?” I asked Jeffrey curiously.

He nodded and then smiled fondly.

“Yeah, but the man is smart enough to be CFO of the company. He’s too loyal and doesn’t want the stress of the position, though, so I do pay him just as well as a board member; he’s my best friend, but I honestly couldn’t afford to lose his talent.” Jeffrey thought highly of his friend, that much was true.

I smiled; it sounded like when Jeffrey made attachments, they were for life.

“Hey, is it okay if you stay with me all weekend? I kind of want to keep you all to myself.” Jeffrey gave me his best pleading pout and I giggled at his playfulness.

“Sure, but please can we not spoil me too much? I don’t know if I can stomach another shopping trip that costs well over ten thousand,” I said truthfully.

“So under ten grand is okay, right?” I smacked Jeffrey’s arm playfully and he looked at me as if that was uncalled for.

“What? You said you can’t stomach another shopping trip that costs over ten grand, it’s all in the fine print, baby.” Jeffrey waggled his eyebrows at me and I simply shook my head in defeat.

“You just have to get used to dating a billionaire. I’m going to spoil you, and trust me I could do a whole lot worse than buy you clothes. I don’t like that you drive such an old car…”

My eyes widened at his serious tone and I shot him a death stare.

“You better not buy me a new car, Jeffrey,” I warned and he shrugged as if it was still a possibility. “I’m serious,” I said. He sighed and said fine, though I wasn’t so sure he took me as seriously as I was trying to come across. I pursed my lips at him and then decided to save any further comments for whenever the topic came up again.

“Well, we’ll have to stop at my place later so I can pack an overnight bag,” I said and Jeffrey waved his hand dismissively.

“There’s stuff at my place for you…”

That reminded me of the room full of women’s clothing, as if he had it handy for whenever he had women over.

“Why…why do you have an entire room made for like…women to stay in?”

Jeffrey glanced at me guiltily and then he rubbed the back of his neck.

“It…came in handy I guess…”

I simply shook my head; honestly, how would I be able to keep up with a man who had different women in his bed probably every night.

“Hey, don’t think whatever you’re thinking. That room…it means nothing, it represents a bunch of meaningless nights with meaningless women.” Jeffrey was trying to reassure me, but I used that room, was I meaningless for him, too?

“Shit, I didn’t mean that you are meaningless to me, Christina, you’re not. I’ve never felt the way I do when I’m with you, not to say that you make me feel bad or—f*ck, I’m screwing this up. You don’t have to use that room; I’ll get that room bulldozed if it’ll make you happy. We can go to your place after dinner and get an overnight bag,” Jeffrey said all in one breath. He looked anxious for me to react to any of what he said.

“It’s alright…I would appreciate it if we stopped by my place after dinner,” I said quietly.

Jeffrey studied my face for a moment, but before he could say anything further, we pulled up to Le Pas. The valets opened our car doors and one of them helped me out just before Jeffrey could round the car and do it himself.

Alexis Gold's Books