Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(27)

“Only when it comes to you and possibly getting you naked.”

I grinned and she shushed me while she glanced in the front at the driver. Honestly, she didn’t need to worry about Carl; he had been my driver for years and confidentiality was his last name.

The man lived by a code and I respected him for it.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at the MetLife stadium; it was packed with Giants fans and some Dolphins fans, as well. We got to our box seats and settled in to watch what I knew was going to be a blowout.

And that would get me a blowjob. I had a stupid grin on my face through kick off and I didn’t care.

Christina kept shaking her head at me, but as soon as the ball got kicked into the air for the Giants to return, I knew we’d be in for a win.

Somehow though, that did not happen. The Giants were messing around and the Dolphins must have had some sort of magic working for their defense.

The Giants lost by three points.

I had to give it to Christina, she did not gloat or send me smug glances.

She simply smiled like a lady when they won and we went to eat at one of my favorite pubs nearby.

“So you really aren’t going to rub this in my face at all?” I asked her once we were seated at the bar.

Christina shook her head while she perused the menu and I realized she really wasn’t going to rub it in my face. Yep, she was definitely a keeper.

“Thank you for taking me to the game, though, I really enjoyed it…” Christina trailed off as her eyes went over my shoulder. Someone tapped me and I turned to see a familiar tall blonde. Sarah…if anyone could make Christina feel self-conscious I knew it’d be Sarah.

“I thought that was you, what are you doing in Jersey?” she asked curiously while looking between me and Christina.

Sarah wasn’t a mean person or vindictive in any way, so I at least had that going for me.

“I was at the Giants game with my date, Christina, this is Sarah,” I introduced the two women and they shook hands. I studied Christina’s face and she seemed to be fine.

“I saw the end of that game, tough break, it was actually pretty close,” Sarah looked from me to Christina in her Dolphins jersey, “but congratulations for you and your team, I guess.”

Christina smiled and glanced at me, I knew she was trying not to come off as gloating and simply thanked Sarah. She was still being as polite as ever.

“So, I’m guessing you and Jeffrey worked together on a shoot?” Christina asked Sarah naturally.

I held my breath for what Sarah would say. She wasn’t a mean or vindictive person, but Sarah was truthful and she often chose not to sugar coat things.

“Yeah, we did, on a couple shoots actually…I was one of the models he worked with on his very first one.”

I knew Christina picked up on the subtlety of that comment and it was confirmed when she glanced at me before looking back at Sarah.

Christina made a vague acknowledging comment and I took the chance to exchange pleasantries with Sarah before she went back to the table where she’d been sitting.

“So…your first photo shoot, huh?” Christina lifted her eyebrows at me and I caught a hint of jealousy. I had to say I liked that a hell of a lot better than insecurity or self-consciousness.

“Yeah…we had a fling, but that’s all it was.” I chose to be truthful and straight forward with her and I thought she appreciated that.

“Well, as long as you’re still planning to bulldoze that room…”

I laughed and then nodded.

“Actually, all the stuff has already been cleaned out of there so…no more ‘flings’ for me, especially not after you.” I mumbled the last bit, but Christina heard me. She studied me a moment before looking back at the menu.

When the bartender came around, I ordered a beer and she a Cosmo, which I secretly loved. She was still a girl even though she liked football.

“Their wings are amazing here, I know you’ll love the sweet heat and their lemon pepper wings dipped in the garlic Parmesan sauce…God sent,” I suggested to her while she decided what she wanted to eat.

We ordered our wings from the bartender when he came back with our drinks and Christina started glancing around while we waited. She skirted my eyes whenever I tried to make contact with hers and I knew she was still thinking about Sarah.

“Christina, talk to me,” I urged her and she sighed and looked at me head on, she was doubting herself, it was written all over her face.

“I just…it’s hard when I see the type of women you are used to and then I can’t help but compare myself. It’s hard to imagine you with someone like me. You know…” She trailed off in an almost defeated tone and I shook my head.

“No, Christina, it’s not hard to imagine. It’s real, I’m with you now and I love spending time with you. The other women were in the past and that’s all there is to it. I hate that you doubt yourself like this, tell me what I have to do to show you how I see you, how the rest of the world sees you?” I took her hand in mine and my thumb caressed her knuckles restlessly.

“I’m sorry…I just can’t help it, Jeffrey,” she said, still sounding defeated. She took a sip of her drink and went back to looking everywhere else but at me. I could feel her pulling away from me by the second and I didn’t know what to do to stop it. I hated that feeling of helplessness.

Alexis Gold's Books