Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(28)

“I don’t want to lose you because of my past, Christina, you’re my now, my present and I don’t want to let all that other crap in and ruin things.” I spoke honestly and she looked at me with silent contemplation. “Please believe me,” I begged her and after a moment she took a deep breath and nodded.

“It’s just very easy for me to think you don’t want me, or might think someone is better than I am and want to dump me, or something…” She trailed off, she was being just as truthful as I was.

“As long as I am with you, Christina, I want you to never think that. You are who I want unless I say otherwise.” I held her gaze and spoke without any hesitation. Christina nodded only after slight contemplation and I breathed a sigh of relief before giving her a very sound kiss on the lips.

After that, we enjoyed our wings and continued our amazing weekend. Before the day was over, I wanted to dazzle Christina with something. I wanted to show her something grand. I thought of the perfect thing and set up the arrangements before we left the pub.

“Hey, I want to show you something before we get back home,” I said while I took her hand and led her towards the waiting car.

She looked up at me with shy interest.

“What is it?” she asked and I grinned.

I didn’t quite want to ruin the surprise.

“You’ll see…” I said and soon we were off towards a small airport that housed a few helicopters.

One of the company’s helicopters was already there and waiting for us. Christina’s eyes widened as we walked towards it.

“You’re taking me up in a helicopter?” Christina asked excitedly, I grinned at her delighted expression.

“Yeah, I hope you aren’t scared of heights,” I asked as she climbed in before me. The pilot was in the front and started the chopper once we were safely inside.

“Definitely not, I love flying.” I helped Christina get her harness on and then I secured mine and once everything was checked out, we were lifting into the sky. Christina’s eyes were wide with wonder as she took in the city and all the lights below us.

“It’s cool isn’t it?” I asked her while watching her as she smiled like a little kid at a fair.

“It’s amazing!” she said before her attention was focused on the city below us. The New York City skyline was pretty impressive and I never got tired of it. This was definitely an experience every person should have. The city looked both infinitesimal and grand all at the same time.

The helicopter landed on top of the Stargate building and we made our way down to the ground floor and outside, where Carl was already waiting. He must have driven like a race car driver to beat us there, though we did fly around the city a few times.

“That was incredible, Jeffrey.” Christina’s eyes were alight with excitement still, though I also saw tenderness and a few other emotions I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

“I’m glad you liked it,” I said and I really meant it. There wasn’t anything in the world worth the awed smile on Christina’s face when she was up in that helicopter. I only wished I could have taken a picture to frame the moment.

“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” I said sincerely.

Christina looked at me and bit her lip with a smile tilting her lips upward.

“You aren’t so bad yourself, bub,” she quipped in return.

I laughed and then leaned over across the back seat to kiss her softly on the lips.

“I kind of don’t want this weekend to end,” I told her, voicing my thoughts aloud. Every second spent with her was amazing and I didn’t know how I’d be able to focus at work the next day.

“I kind of don’t want it to end either…but I’ve decided that tomorrow, I’m quitting my job.”

My eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Really?” I asked, actually proud of her for saying it.

“Yeah, it’s time, I’ve been abused by Marissa enough and even though she likes me in her twisted way, I came to this city for a job in marketing and it's time I put all my focus on finding one.” Christina’s tone was resolute and I had to hand it to her, she definitely knew what she wanted.

“I’m proud of you, babe, you’re doing the right thing. You have to do what you love and not suffer from what you hate.” I used a line my father used to say to me constantly. One of the things I respected the most about him, was that he didn’t force me into the family business, he made sure, every step along the way, that it’s what I wanted to do. Of course, I looked up to him my whole life for it and simply wanted to follow in his footsteps.

“That’s a great saying, and it is time I focus my full attention on getting the job I want…though telling Marissa that I’m quitting will definitely be interesting, that’s for sure.” Christina smiled and then she giggled while she thought about it.

“You know I could pop my head in while you tell her and soften the blow for you a little bit,” I suggested.

Christina shook her head firmly.

“No, no, it’s only right that I woman up and tell her face to face myself. I wasn’t raised to take the easy way out, only the right way.”

I smiled, that must have been something her parents said. I was glad she was finally taking my advice and letting herself remember them and everything they taught and instilled in her.

Alexis Gold's Books