Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(33)

“Definitely not, hey they’re ready for the next set now.” Jeffrey gestured to the photographer who was waiting for him and the other model to get over by the huge window and view of the city. The photo shoot lasted for about a half hour more before Jeffrey and I headed down to the car.

“So I have a surprise for you…” Jeffrey said once we were in the car and I quirked my eyebrow at him.

“Really? What’s the surprise?” I asked. I hoped it wasn’t something super extravagant, I didn’t want to have to beat him up that day.

“I got you an interview at Six Fountain Marketing…”

My eyes nearly popped out of my skull.

“How is that possible? They are like one of the best marketing groups in the city! I applied to them months ago, but they never got back to me. I mean I sent e-mails…and…e-mails…”

Jeffrey gave me a knowing look.

“Yeah, but you never called. I simply made them take notice of your resume and they are really interested. You never told me you had such a great track record when you were in school. You won the national university digital advertising award three times in a row?” Jeffrey was impressed and I simply shrugged. “Honestly you have all this stuff you keep under wraps when you should be flaunting it! It’s how you get hired and how you get noticed.” Jeffrey looked at me as if I baffled him.

“What can I say, I lay low sometimes…” I didn’t want to go into why I laid low, I knew it stemmed from my self-esteem issues, but Jeffrey didn’t like it when I doubted myself or even talked about doubting myself.

“Well, you need not to. I forwarded all the information to your e-mail and the group is going to contact you tomorrow about setting up the interview. So make sure you save the numbers I sent you so you don’t ignore their call…you do have your phone on you right?”

I nodded and pulled it out of my bag; I was getting good at keeping it handy, especially as more people had my number now, like Vanessa, Jennie, and…well Jeffrey. I definitely needed to get a social life with actual friends.

“I just couldn’t believe you won that award in a national competition three times and never got offered a job.”

I looked over at Jeffrey, his eyes were on me curiously.

“When I graduated I did get a lot of offers, but that’s when my parents died,” I said bluntly.

Jeffrey’s expression turned understanding in a heartbeat.

“I get it now…well, you are doing the right thing by getting back out there and seizing the bull by the horns.”

I never understood that metaphor, if you seized a bull by its horns wouldn’t it try and get you off?

“So where are we going for dinner?” I asked curiously.

Jeffrey grinned as we pulled up to his house. “I’ve decided to cook for you, baby, you deserve it.”

I felt I deserved like some really good seafood and maybe a huge chocolate brownie for dessert.

“You know how to cook…?” I asked skeptically while I followed Jeffrey inside.

“Of course I do, you’ll see. I’m going to make you some fresh shrimp pasta and for dessert I have a chocolate surprise.”

I wondered briefly if Jeffrey had read my mind.

“That actually sounds amazing, you like…read my mind or something?” I said with a chuckle.

“See, we have a special connection. I know what my baby wants,” Jeffrey said before he kissed me soundly on the lips and then shrugged out of his jacket. He went upstairs to change out of his work clothes and I wondered if Jeffrey would let me sleep at my place that night.

I didn’t pack for two extra nights, only one, so I kind of needed to go back home soon. I wandered into the living room and sat on the couch while I flipped on the TV and searched for something to watch.

I didn’t really pay attention to the TV, though, I was caught up in thoughts of Jeffrey and how I felt about him. Of course I was attracted to him, he was sexy and freaking gorgeous. He was kind and considerate and seemed to be crazy about me. Not to mention, he was helping me through a lot. Like dealing with the sadness that sometimes came over me from the loss of my parents.

Then he magically got me a job interview with Six Fountain Marketing. He was incredible really, but I was still skeptical. He was too incredible, on top of being a successful billionaire and a model, he could cook, too! There had to be a catch somewhere, I couldn’t be allowed to have someone as perfect as Jeffrey Bates all to myself.

“Hey! You gonna come and keep me company or what?” Jeffrey was wearing nothing but sweat pants and he had a kitchen towel thrown over his shoulder. I knew for a fact then that Jeffrey was going to ruin me for other guys. I followed him into the kitchen and he poured me a glass of wine as I sat down behind the island bar.

“So, tell me about your day,” I prompted him while he was preparing the fresh shrimp. He was deveining them and all, and I couldn’t deny that I was impressed.

“Well, it was a regular day pretty much. I had to check on one of my warehouses that sparked a small fire last week. The damage to the actual building was minimal, but it messed up a few fighter jet engine parts and set our quota back a little bit. I mainly had to focus on adjusting for that and getting more supplies and parts to build the engines we couldn’t salvage.”

“Wow, that doesn’t sound like a regular day,” I said and Jeffrey shrugged while he was chopping up some veggies.

Alexis Gold's Books