Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(36)

“Baby, we can do it wherever, you just name a place and I’ll make sure we have a measure of privacy.” Jeffrey winked and then kissed me softly on the lips twice before he straightened. “I hope you do great on your interview today, I want to hear how it went.”

I promised to tell Jeffrey all about it afterwards and he couldn’t help but press another kiss to my lips before he left for work. I was then all alone in his giant townhouse with nothing to do until eleven. I definitely couldn’t be unemployed for long. I decided to stay in bed for another hour and I played around on my phone and downloaded a few apps.

Vanessa surprised me by texting me and she asked if I was going to be busy after three-thirty. I told her that I was free and then we made plans to get our nails done together. I was actually kind of nervous for that, I hadn’t had girl talk in a while and didn’t really know if anything changed from the last time I spoke to a girlfriend. I was also a bit nervous because of the fact that Vanessa had known and been friends with Jeffrey for so long.

My morning went by slowly, I mostly over-prepared for my interview and fussed over what to wear. I forced myself to get it together around ten thirty and got ready to go and meet Austin Price for our interview. Traffic wasn’t bad for lunch hour and when I arrived at the deli I found it wasn’t as packed as it should have been.

Maybe it wasn’t that good of a deli, which was also strange because that was grounds for burning and pillaging in the city. Everyone loved a fresh deli sandwich and you couldn’t really go wrong if you had mayo, homemade bread and fresh meat.

“Excuse me, are you Christina Rothschild?” I recognized Austin as the model who gave me kudos the day before for quitting my job with Marissa.

“Hi, yeah, you were the model from yesterday at the shoot, right?” Austin smiled and I nodded; yep, it was definitely him. He had a shock of red hair that was styled into a hipster man-bun and his face was perfectly angular. He had a straight nose, high cheekbones, strong jaw, and an intense brow. His eyes were bright blue and I could easily see how he got into the modeling business.

“That was me, small world isn’t it? Even in this big city,” Austin chuckled and then he led me over to his table where we sat. “So, like I said over the phone, you have an amazing resume and I really, really want you on my team and working for Six Fountain.”

I smiled, I guess my hard work in college really paid off.

“I’d definitely love to work at Six Fountain,” I started, Austin nodded, his expression open and he seemed excited about something.

“That’s great, because we’re launching a project for a new brand of rum and you have all the skills I need for this and future projects. My team deals with mainly consumables, mostly beverages, but we do a good job at it so we get a lot of proposals for wine and spirit advertising. At the office, they call us the alcoholics.” Austin chuckled and I found it really refreshing that he was so excited about what he does for a living. I wanted to be like that and seeing him made me want to work at Six Fountain that much more.

“It’s been a while since I had to interview anyone, so bear with me.” Austin realized he was rambling and not asking questions. I smiled and told him to take his time. “So, tell me, if someone put a bottle of rum in front of you and told you sell it to the girl sitting behind you, how would you market it to her?”

It was a tough question, but I was prepared for it. The vast majority of women aren’t rum drinkers, but a few do prefer it and a lot will drink it depending on the occasion and necessity.

“Well, I’d leave the bottle of rum on the table before approaching her,” I began and Austin laughed. “Of course, after getting to know the product, I’d start up a conversation and center it around drinks and parties, then mention rum.

“More than likely she won’t like it and I’ll tell her a few aren’t so bad and get her open to trying one I happen to love.”

Austin smiled and he sat back in his chair with a pleased expression on his face.

“So how would you get her to at least try it? You’re in a public place, it’s the middle of the day. It’s a Friday, granted, but you’re a complete stranger and the guy, your client, wants to sell his bottle.” Austin was nice and laid back seemingly, but I could tell he was sharp.

“Since we’re already talking about different drinks and alcohols, I’d mention rum and Coke; one can never go wrong with that. Then I’d ask if she’s ever tasted straight rum before and explain what it tastes like. I’d then say something along the lines of, ‘you have to at least try it’ to get her seriously thinking about it.” Austin nodded and I continued.

“Then I’d mention that I was heading to a happy hour house party…” Austin cracked up when I said that and I smiled. “People are into a lot of cool new stuff, like happy hour house parties and early morning raves…”

Austin nodded and he sobered a bit.

“You’re completely right, you have to think of something on the spot, it’s good, continue.” Austin smiled at me and I wrapped up my hypothetical sales pitch to the hypothetical woman.

“I would tell her that I happen to have some of that really good rum I was talking about and ask her if she wants to try some. By that point, I know I’ve convinced her enough to do it, because she hasn’t walked away. So she’ll try it.”

Alexis Gold's Books