Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(41)

“I needed to step up for the company and for my father, so I did. You would have known that if you stuck around long enough,” I said sarcastically. Roxanna neatly sidestepped my comment and leaned forward a fraction, clearly showing off her breasts.

“I’m sorry for the way I left, I was hoping we could maybe grab lunch together, or plan dinner to catch up.” She smiled at me hopefully, her expression deceptively innocent and shy. I knew what she was after, what she must have been after. My money.

“I can’t, I have a girlfriend,” I said. Roxanna simply pouted, not phased in the slightest by what I just shared.

“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you catching up with an old friend,” she said. She was being persistent and I was getting tired of her game already. I walked over to the desk and sat down in my chair, ready to dismiss her.

“I have work to get back to, Roxanna. It’s been a lovely chat, but I don’t see us having lunch or dinner any time soon…or ever,” I made myself clear and Roxanna simply rolled her eyes, she was not to be deterred. She slid down from my desk and walked towards the door to leave. Before she did she glanced back at me and looked at me expectantly.

“Will you at least walk me out?” I sighed heavily and got up to walk her the ten f*cking steps to the door. “Before I go…” Roxanna pulled out a business card from her small clutch purse with her name and number printed on it. I took it from her and she surprised me by leaning against me and pressing her lips to mine.

The few seconds of surprise would not let me function, until thoughts of Christina snapped me out of it and I placed my hands on Roxanna’s shoulders to push her away. Her hands came around me in an embrace and her lips moved against mine but I pushed on her shoulders and broke the kiss.

“Why would you do that?” I asked her, infuriated. I heard a hiccupped gasp and then my head swung towards the open door to my office, where Christina stood, looking absolutely amazing, though she was staring at me with nothing but hurt in her eyes.

“Shit, Christina, she’s nothing. She kissed me, I didn’t kiss her.” I walked over to her and she turned her head away from me as I reached her.

“I have to go…” she said and then quickly turned and hurried down the hall towards the elevators. Of course with Roxanna came f*cking trouble. I hurried after Christina and managed to squeeze into the elevator with her alone. I pressed the stop button and Christina simply stared straight ahead at the metal doors, her arms crossed over her chest protectively.

“Christina, she just showed up at my office. I was kicking her out and she just f*cking kissed me!” I said, my tone a little high pitched, but I needed Christina to understand I’d never hurt her like that, especially intentionally.

“That kiss didn’t look like it was just some girl throwing herself at you. You kissed her back, you two were in an embrace. Who is she?” Christina looked at me angrily and I could see tears threatening to fall. I cursed, this wasn’t what we needed right now, Christina had just finally opened herself up for me.

“I promise you, I didn’t kiss her back, Christina. She just showed up,” I pleaded with her and I saw her jaw clench as her eyes flashed with anger, confusion, and hurt.

“Who is she?” Christina asked me forcefully that time and I sighed heavily.


Christina took the news like a blow to the chest. I saw it in her eyes. She closed them briefly and a tear escaped down her cheek, I went to wipe it away but Christina slapped my hand away from her.

“Don’t touch me. I can’t…I can’t compete with an ex. We’ve only been going out for a few days anyway …she can have you.”

Christina pushed the button for the elevator to continue its descent. I couldn’t think of anything to say to her and I knew that only made things worse. The elevator doors opened on the lobby level and Christina sent me one last hurt glance before she left.

My heart dropped through the floor and I wanted to scream with my frustration. How was I ever going to prove myself to Christina after that? All she would do now is convince herself that Roxanna is better for me than she is, when I barely felt for Roxanna half of what I felt for Christina; in fact nowhere near half. Roxanna was really just there from college. We were more friends than lovers.

I cursed and then ran after Christina, I caught her just before she got into her car. I reached for her arm and she wrenched it away from me. She was trying really hard not to cry and I hated that I did that to her.

“Leave me alone, Jeffrey,” she said angrily, her voice shaky from unshed tears. I shook my head and grabbed her keys from her hand so she couldn’t go anywhere.

“I promise you, Christina, Roxanna just showed up out of the blue. She saw some of my modeling pictures, saw that I was successful and all she is after is my money or status or what-the-hell-ever. Please, you have to believe me, I’d never do anything to hurt you.

I was kicking her out I swear and she just…” I sighed and tried to think of a way that I knew would fix things for sure. “She’s nothing to me, I feel nothing with her. It’s you I want, you all the time,” I said earnestly.

Christina’s head was down as she stared at the pavement of the sidewalk and listened to me.

Eventually, after moments of excruciating silence, Christina looked up with a wary expression. “You need to make sure she gets that, Jeffrey. I can’t handle it; you know I can’t. That was too far…I never want to see her around you again.”

Alexis Gold's Books