Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(43)

“I get it…so can we make plans then for dinner tomorrow night?” he asked tentatively.

I nodded and gave him a small smile.

“Yeah, that sounds nice. You’ll pick me up here then?” I asked softly and Jeffrey nodded.

“Yes, at seven, and dress kind of nice, I want to take you someplace special.” Jeffrey grinned at me, his normal boyish charm and playfulness came back.

“Kind of nice? I don’t know what that means exactly,” I said, teasing him.

“Yeah, like semi-formal, semi-club…” Jeffrey wanted it to be a surprise for wherever he decided on taking me.

“Sounds intriguing…” I said slowly and Jeffrey nodded.

“It’ll be fun…so I’ll let you get back to your shower or bath, or whichever.” I nodded and he slid his arm around my waist to pull me against him for a kiss that was searing hot and left me breathless.

With that he quietly left and I had to take a deep breath to center myself once he was gone. I went back to my bath and soaked until the pizza came. Once I was in my pajamas I grabbed a bottle of wine out of the fridge and brought the pizza over to the living room area to watch some TV or a movie.

I ended up watching a marathon of The Nanny. I fell asleep feeling pretty much back to normal as far as being back in my own company, but I couldn’t deny that I missed Jeffrey and was looking forward to being in his arms that following evening.

My alarm woke me, headache free, and excited about starting at my new job, I got up with a huge smile on my face. I quickly readied for work and then left my apartment thirty minutes earlier than I needed to. Maybe I would go out and grab a quick breakfast for myself at the bagel place on Second Avenue. Six Fountain was over on Madison, so it wouldn’t be too far for me to risk being on time to work.

I drove to the bagel shop and stood in line to order a single bagel with smear and coffee. As I stood in line though, I recognized Jeffrey’s profile as he sat at one of the tables outside. People were blocking my view, but he was obviously with someone, talking to them. I wondered if it was Victor. The line moved forward and I stepped past the people waiting in the pickup line.

It was Jeffrey, but he was sitting across from Roxanna and speaking with her intently. She looked amazing of course in a white sun dress, perfectly put together and every part the kind of woman one would expect Jeffrey to actually be dating.

Confusion and insecurity sluiced through my veins, sickening me a little bit and I left the line. My appetite was gone and my good mood had walked out with it. I hurried back to my car and prayed they didn’t see me. I drove to Six Fountain and showed up twenty minutes early to work.

The Six Fountain Marketing office was modern and made up of a lot of wide open space. There were collaboration tables situated intermittently throughout the office and people sat there working on their own or with a partner or team.

There were a couple of long rows of desks, similar to that at Urban Plus, where everyone’s computers were side by side and there weren’t any distinct office spaces. It reminded me of a cool library with photography of the city blown up and pasted to certain feature walls. Each team manager had their own office, though, and there was a break room, also.

“My diamond in the rough! You’re here early.” Austin approached me as I was taking it all in and he gave me a kiss on the cheek, I still hadn’t gotten used to how familiar he was with people.

“Yeah, I was excited to start working,” I admitted a bit bashfully and Austin grinned.

He was wearing a forest green checkered button up shirt that was tucked into khaki pants with a white belt to accent. I think all male models just had an innate talent of looking like they just walked off of the cover of GQ. Austin chuckled at me and he led me over to the line of computers against one of the feature walls.

“This is basically everyone’s desk when we need a computer or have a task that has to be carried out on desktop. Everyone is assigned their own, of course, to avoid pandemonium, but we also give our employees company laptops that you can take home, it’s yours for as long as you work here.

The only thing is, if you break it you have to replace it.”

Austin gave me a tour of the office and assigned me a desktop as well as gave me a brand new MacBook. Good thing I brought a big purse that day. I’d have to get a laptop bag for it soon, though.

“Alright, now I shall introduce you to the rest of our five-man team,” Austin took me over to one of the collaboration desks right outside his office nook and four guys were sitting around the table, talking about some action movie that recently came out.

“Hey guys, this is Christina, our newest team member. Christina, that’s Bryce, Caiden, Tristan, and Trent. Trent isn’t officially a part of our team, he’s more of a floater, jack of all trades sort of guy. One day, we’re sure he’ll own the company.”

All the guys laughed and I smiled politely at them.

“It’s nice to meet you all. I’m excited to be on the team,” I said honestly while I took in who would be my closest coworkers.

Bryce was a sandy haired, blue eyed, cutie who had a really nice smile. Caiden was a stocky guy; he was pretty built and it was easy to see maybe some Italian roots in his dark hair and eyes. He had a square jaw and intense brow.

Tristan looked tall, even while he was sitting down. He was lanky too, and reminded me of Clarke Kent with his thick black framed glasses and curly black hair. He was very handsome and had shockingly blue eyes.

Alexis Gold's Books