Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(42)

Christina made herself very clear and I nodded. I was going to have Roxanna f*cking thrown out of the building by security if that’s what Christina wanted.

“I swear you’ll never have to worry about her again. I’ll make sure she gets the picture and that will be the end of it,” I promised earnestly and Christina studied my gaze for a moment before she nodded slowly.

“Fine…” Christina reached for her keys, but I withheld them. I needed to make sure we were okay.

“Will I see you at home tonight?” I asked her anxiously.

She sighed and then nodded.

“Yeah…I’ll be there.”

Christina reached for the keys again and I leaned forward for a kiss from her. She dodged my lips and pointed to my mouth.

“Her lipstick is all over you…look, I’ll be home later; can I just have my keys please?”

Christina asked in annoyance. I gave her the keys, reluctantly, while I wiped Roxanna’s damn red lipstick off of my mouth.

“I will see you later then,” I said slowly and Christina nodded before she got into her car, started it up and pulled away. I sighed deeply and then went back up to my office where f*cking Roxanna was still present.

“Well, she needed a lot of reassurance that’s for sure. You need someone stronger anyway, someone that can represent you and complement you, not someone that brings you stress and has you always running after her.” Roxanna tried to get in my head and I showed her the door.

“If you are not out of the building within ten minutes, I’m going to have security escort you out,” I said firmly.

Roxanna rolled her eyes and then walked down the hall that would lead her to the elevators without a second glance at me. Well shit, at least that bit of drama was f*cking over.



As I drove to nowhere in particular, I simply couldn’t believe what I walked in on. It looked like two lovers in a passionate embrace to me. Plus, it was Roxanna, Jeffrey’s ex-girlfriend who he had loved once.

It wouldn’t be difficult for them to fall in love again…I didn’t even know why I gave Jeffrey a chance, either. I knew he was going to hurt me somewhere down the line and even though the kiss might not have been his fault, it still hurt like hell to see. Roxanna was gorgeous, like supermodel gorgeous and she was probably perfect for Jeffrey.

She was confident, she didn’t require any of the constant reassurance I needed from Jeffrey and she had been his at one point. How would I compete with that? I wouldn’t, I simply would not. I wasn’t stupid enough to put myself through that.

I took a deep breath and stopped driving around aimlessly. I decided to go home to my apartment and take a much needed nap. I hadn’t been getting as much sleep with Jeffrey the nights I slept over, which was every night so far. I also needed to try and recover from the entire Roxanna debacle. When I got home and locked myself inside, I went straight to bed and collapsed into a thankfully dreamless sleep.

When I woke up, it was darker than I expected it to be. I usually never took longer than one hour naps. I had no idea I had been that exhausted. I sat up, stretched and yawned before slowly getting out of bed.

My phone vibrated over on the coffee table and I went to check it. Of course it was Jeffrey messaging and calling me. It was six-thirty in the evening and he had probably just stepped out of his office to head home. I sighed and decided to simply send a text, I told him that I had stopped by my apartment and had fallen asleep, but that I was on my way to his place.

I wondered if I should even go. I realized today that I let myself get dazzled by Jeffrey, that I let myself start falling for him. I needed some separation from him, a break so that I could get my head on straight. Things had been moving really quickly ever since we started dating and it was proving to be particularly dangerous for my heart.

I sighed and texted Jeffrey that I was staying at my place for the night. Then I put my phone on silent so that I could ignore his calls and texts for the rest of the night. I really did need some alone time. I’d be starting work at Six Fountain the next day and I needed all my wits about me. I decided to order in some good pizza, have some wine with it, and take a nice bubble bath while I waited on the pie to get to my apartment.

I went to get the bath ready and put in my order for a veggie, New York style pizza, and then went to soak in the tub for the twenty minutes it would take the pizza place to make it and deliver. I had just sunken into the nicely hot water when a persistent knocking started up at the door.

I checked the timing. It was way too soon for the pizza to have been delivered already. I got out and wrapped my robe around me to walk to the front door. I checked through the peephole and saw it was Jeffrey waiting on the other side of the door.

“Please open the door, Christina, it’s me…” he said and knocked again. I sighed and then opened the door. He took one long look at me as he stepped into the apartment and locked the door behind him. “I had to see you to make sure you weren’t mad at me. You didn’t answer your phone when I called…”

Jeffrey was wearing dark jeans, a pristine white t-shirt and a dark grey cardigan. His hair was disheveled from him pushing his hands through it too many times, perhaps, and his green hazel eyes were tired and anxious. I could tell from his expression that he really wanted me to believe him about Roxanna and the kiss.

“I’m sorry I made you anxious…I just need some alone time right now. We’ve been spending too much time together lately. I mean I fell asleep and slept for like six—seven hours straight,” I explained and Jeffrey nodded his head in understanding.

Alexis Gold's Books