Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(38)

Christina’s gaze swung back to me and she studied me for a moment as I stood there like a freaking idiotic statue.

“So, I’m special…you’ve told me enough times,” Christina said softly with a smirk.

I breathed a small sigh of relief and smiled. She really was perfect.

“Yes, you are special to me, extremely special,” I said before striding over to her and taking her up in a bear hug. Christina giggled and I was just about to nuzzle her neck when Victor sounded over the intercom.

“Jeff, stop playing around with Christina, you do have work to do still…” I rolled my eyes and Christina laughed again before I reluctantly let her go.

“You do have work to do, it’s the middle of the day. The boss is supposed to set an example,” Christina teased and I snorted.

“I don’t mind if my employees have office sex. Hell, we can make it a part of the work schedule, right before lunch so everyone works up a good appetite.” Christina slapped my chest; her laugh sounded beautiful and carefree. Christina went to unlock the door and I sighed.

“Jeffrey, you act like I’m about to take a long trip to Madagascar or something. You’ll see me in a few hours at home,” Christina reassured me. The fact that she called my house, ‘home’ made me feel a lot better.

“Okay, you have a point,” I said, but then Christina seemed like she had remembered something.

“Actually, I’m going to do my nails with Vanessa when she gets off work…so you’ll see me in a bit longer than a few hours.” Christina smiled innocently and then puckered her lips for me to walk over and give her a parting kiss. With that she breezed from the office and a stupidly grinning Victor walked in.

“She was here for quite a long meeting,” Victor said suggestively. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled before he came over and dropped a stack of files on my desk.

“We have a pending lawsuit on our hands.” I frowned, my entire mood tanked and my posture became rigid. “It’s pending; the case could turn out to be hot air really. It’s involving Greywing and the Ireland deal. Apparently, Ireland was leaning towards Greywing and they switched to us on too much of a whim, almost as if they were bribed to do it. Anyway, Greywing wants an investigation, the lawsuit is pending on the results.” I didn’t curse, I kept my cool and sat back against the edge of my desk.

“So the deal with Ireland is on hold now because the Greywing folks are pissed off they decided to go with us?” Victor nodded. I felt like hitting something. “It’s insulting is what it is. Never before have they lashed out at us like this. They’d be ruining their own reputation anyway by this, it’s a low blow. Completely uncalled for.” Victor nodded, he was mulling it over in his mind as to why Greywing would pull a stunt like that.

“We’re getting to be too much competition for them. Usually, we never have to compete with Greywing for a contract; we had our slightly smaller lane, and they had their big lane, what with the space crafts and all. Now we’re moving in on their military turf.” Victor made sense of Greywing’s motives; I had figured that also, but I wanted Victor’s insight to be sure.

“You’re right…what do you think, should we make our partnership with Cromwell public? They did have that shady situation, but they are still respected and well known in the industry for their innovations.”

Victor considered this and after a short while he nodded.

“Yes. Cromwell will be on board because he needs to get his good name back, plus I’m sure he’d like to rub it in Greywing faces that he’s rising back to the top after they turned him down right after his own legal issues settled,” Victor pointed out.

I smiled like the damn Cheshire cat.

“I guess we’re at war with Greywing, then.”

Victor chuckled in anticipation.

“This is why we are friends,” he said simply before he went to go make the calls that would announce Stargate’s partnership with Cromwell. If Greywing was scared of our success, I’d simply rub it in their faces. I decided to put a quick call in to Cromwell to let him know.

Of course, he was eager to do it, so once I got the official green light I put in the word to Victor who was already downstairs with the marketing team. I needed to see Vanessa about the Ireland situation. I went down to her office and found her on the phone, pacing around her desk. She looked pissed and I knew she would be. The deal with Ireland was Vanessa’s shining achievement so far; it’s what got her the job as head of public relations.

“Yeah, that’s wonderful. I just wanted to make sure we had a clear and open line of communication throughout the entire process…no, no, no there is definitely nothing to worry about, as I’ve said. Mister Bates will be getting in touch with you shortly, once he has been fully brought up to speed.”

I let Vanessa finish the conversation and when she hung up she took a huge breath and let it out slowly.

“Greywing is definitely jealous of our goods. So what, we’re edging in our success? It’s called competition for a reason! If they think they can sideline us with this crap it’s not going to happen. I’ve got a stack of contracts simply waiting to be signed. We’ll balloon overnight,” Vanessa ranted and I patiently let her finish, though I was ready to get down to the root of things.

“What is the basis of Greywing filing the suit against us? They have to have something, they can’t incite investigation into our deal with Ireland over hot air, and the term free enterprise is not taken lightly in the USA.”

Alexis Gold's Books