Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(35)

I sighed and then gave in.

“Fine, but I’m driving Ol’ Betty back, I like having my own car,” I said almost petulantly.

“You mean you like having your old car.” Jeffrey lifted an eyebrow at me and I gave him a hard stare.

“Don’t hate on my car, she and I have been through a lot.” I defended Betty and Jeffrey simply rolled his eyes at me.

“Fine, I’ll have Carl drop you off at your apartment, but if you aren’t back in at most an hour, I’m coming to you and you’re getting a spanking.”

I looked at Jeffrey as if he couldn’t be serious.

“Go ahead and think I’m joking, it’ll be all the more surprising when it happens,” Jeffrey said in a promising tone.

A small thrill ran through me and I bit my lip. I didn’t know how I felt about that possibility, but it was intriguing. Maybe I’d misbehave…

I hurried outside to Carl and the car so we could go to my apartment where I packed for a few extra days and nights. Just as I was heading down to my car, my cell phone started to ring, it was probably Jeffrey calling to make sure I was on the way back. I answered without looking at the number on the screen.

“Hey, is this Christina Rothschild?” The professionally polite male voice on the other end of the line was definitely not Jeffrey. I glanced at the screen and saw it was one of the team managers at Six Fountain Marketing.

“Uh, yes this is she, how can I help you?” I asked politely while trying not to seem too eager.

“Great! My name is Austin Price and I’m one of the team managers at Six Fountain Marketing. It recently came to my attention that you applied with us a while back, but we somehow overlooked you, which was a big mistake, because you have a glowing resume and we’d really like for you to join us at Six Fountain.”

A huge smile spread across my face and I wanted to jump for joy, they actually called!

“Yes, I would definitely like to work with the company, you guys were one of my top picks when I graduated college.” I kept my voice calm and collected, I didn’t want Austin to think I was too eager, I also didn’t want him to think I wasn’t eager enough.

“Awesome, that’s what I love to hear right now. So can we set up an interview for tomorrow, say lunch time at around eleven-thirty?” I made arrangements with Austin to meet him at a deli on Madison Avenue, not too far from the company’s building. We ended the call and I drove back to Jeffrey’s feeling excited for the next day.

“Oh good, you’re back, so no spanking today,” Jeffrey said as he opened the door to let me in once I was at his place. I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the cheek before walking inside excitedly.

“Austin from Six Fountain called me! I’m having an interview with him tomorrow over lunch!” I was too excited to notice the slightly bothered wrinkle to Jeffrey’s brow as I told him the news.

“That was a quick response, congratulations. So you spoke to an Austin and not say…a Ronnie, who happened to be a woman when I spoke on the phone with her?”

I did notice that comment and my excitement died down a little.

“Jeffrey, Austin Price could potentially turn out to be my boss, plus, Jeffrey Bates, there’s certainly nothing for you to worry about.” I began to see why he got so upset whenever I doubted myself in front of him, it wasn’t very attractive.

“Alright, but it’s just that you’re hot, you know, you have an effect on guys, even though you don’t notice it.” Jeffrey looked at me pointedly while I sat on his bed. He was putting my clothes away in drawers and I couldn’t help the weird squeeze my heart gave while I witnessed it. What did this all mean? Jeffrey glanced at me as I hadn’t replied to him at all and he noticed my expression.

“Can you not overthink this please? Just let us happen, Christina, I am…” Jeffrey looked oddly hopeful and I sighed deeply before I nodded my head.

“Fine…fine okay, I’ll let…us happen.” I pushed the words out past my fears and roadblocks in my head. Jeffrey was an incredible man and he wanted me, I wanted him too and really why shouldn’t we be together when we at least had that? Jeffrey saw the change in me and he smiled while he closed his drawers shut and then crawled onto me and the bed.

“I’m glad you’re finally on board with this.” He grinned and then kissed me slowly, he took his time exploring my mouth with his and there was a tenderness that utterly captured me.

Jeffrey made love to me then. It was different from all the other times; he was slow and sure and paid attention to every silent cue I gave him. Once we settled in for bed, I was still speechless from the orgasms he gave me and my heart felt oddly full for the first time in a long time. I embraced it rather than questioned it and I couldn’t deny that Jeffrey made me happy, he made me more than happy.

* * *

“Baby, I’m leaving for work…” Jeffrey woke me up gently, he was wearing a grey suit today and a pink tie with matching handkerchief, ever the GQ model. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, it was almost eight o’clock. “Don’t forget to come visit me today alright?” Jeffrey grinned at me boyishly and I smiled sleepily.

“I won’t; I’m looking forward to the janitor’s closet…though if it’s gross, could we do it in your office instead?” I asked and Jeffrey chuckled.

Alexis Gold's Books