Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(39)

Vanessa nodded and she pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to me. Both she and Victor knew me long enough to know that I don’t read things. I simply held it and waited for her to explain.

“There is general tiptoeing we have to do when making international deals, of course, you know this. But since Ireland had basically drawn up contracts with both us and Greywing and is simply wondering which to sign there is precedence for concern. Why were two agreements drawn up for the same purpose? Was Ireland trying to have a surplus of military aircraft made for any particular reason? Why the hold off on signing a contract? Why the sudden decision? You know how politics work, that’s what this is. Just to put a wrench in things. Which by the way, you need to be ready for cameras, Greywing only got their way because they went straight to the media with it, first in the UK and then here today.”

I went over to Vanessa’s desk and grabbed the remote for the TV mounted on the wall across from her seating area.

I turned on the news, and there it was. Rumors and speculation. I f*cking hated that word.

“Alright, we won’t get riled by this, we need to stay focused and deliver. Tell me what possible deals can be made?”

Vanessa prattled off a few names, a couple of countries, and corporations. None of them interested me, I needed something big, something noticeable…

“Recently a certain US Air Force representative reached out to us with inquiries.”

My head snapped over to Vanessa in interest.

“What kind of inquiries?” I asked and Vanessa informed me that they were interested in our hyper efficient fighter jets.

“Well, duh! Work on that, Vanessa, that’s what we need.”

Vanessa got on the phone and I left her office to go and meet with the legal team. If we started pushing Greywing out of their position with the US military, then it was game on. It looked like everyone was going to be working late that day.

* * *

I got home exhausted. I was ready to bury myself in Christina and then bury myself in bed.

“You look tired, babe,” Christina said as I walked through the front door.

“Babe? Did you just call me babe?” I asked with a silly boyish grin on my face, she could call me babe all day long.

Christina smiled after she rolled her eyes at me.

“Yes I did. You are a babe. How was work? You looked like you wanted to get into a bar fight just now.”

I snorted. I did want to crack a bottle over someone’s head and pretend it was the entire Greywing Corporation.

“You won’t believe what happened today, it was ridiculous.”

I stopped my entry into the house at the foot of the stairs in the foyer to give Christina a once over. She had changed into jeans and a cute t-shirt.

“Vanessa told me all about it, she had to cancel our nail date today. So Greywing, huh?” Christina took my hand and finished leading me up the stairs to the second floor family room where we plopped down on the couch.

“Yeah, I want to crush them. It’s past time for Stargate to start broadening our horizons and growing our company even further.”

Christina looked like she approved of my resolve.

“Show them your war cry, Jeffrey, you’re just as fierce as the next guy.”

I snorted, oh how little she knew.

“I’m even fiercer than the next guy. Don’t worry, Greywing is going to be sorry they poked a beast.”

Christina smirked at me and I knew she was laughing over my choice of words.

“You’re such a kid,” I teased her and she pouted while crossing her arms over her chest.

“I am not, I’m an adult. Especially now that I’m working at my chosen career.” Christina stuck her tongue out at me and I laughed.

“You’re ten years younger than me, Christina, technically you’ll always be a baby to me. That’s a full decade you haven’t been on this Earth when I have.”

Christina rolled her eyes; yeah, she couldn’t deny it.

“Well when you put it that way…maybe I shouldn’t be dating such an old man.” She stuck her tongue out at me and I bit it before she could pull the soft muscle back into her mouth.

“Hey…can we talk about today in the office?” Christina asked me tentatively and I looked down at her with a slightly wary expression.

I knew I had deeper feelings for her than I was willing to explore at the moment. I didn’t want to lose her, though, so if she wanted to talk about it then I would.

“Sure, I’m all yours.” I gave her my best adorable smile and she leaned back against the couch, her gaze intent on mine.

“I just want to know, how much I should be feeling for you right now…if we’re on the same page, that sort of thing.”

I nodded. I was pretty damn sure I was head over heels, but I knew she was slower to recognize how she felt.

“I…I don’t want to lose you, share you, or be away from you. So I guess that means I’m pretty wrapped up in you, Christina, if that’s not obvious enough.” I chuckled and she smiled.

“Yeah, it’s obvious. I…I feel exactly the same, but it scares me a little, you know?”

I shook my head; she shouldn’t be scared about anything. I took her hand in mine and then kissed her palm.

“Don’t let it, please, I won’t ever hurt you, I promise. It would kill me if I did, I just want to make you happy,” I said and Christina nodded. She sighed almost as if in relief and then pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

Alexis Gold's Books