Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(44)

Trent was, for lack of a better term, hot. He had caramel colored skin and his black hair was curly and styled into a short afro, and he had an angular jaw. His chin was slightly cleft and his nose a straight line. He had well-formed cheekbones and very pretty light brown eyes framed by thick eyelashes. He also appeared to work out, from the looks of his arms under his white button down shirt as they rested casually against the table.

“Welcome to the team, Christina, glad to have you on board. Finally, a woman to keep all these idiots in check,” Trent said with a charming smile. I laughed lightly at his joke while the other guys all threw him under the bus for being the slacker when things got slow in the office. I could tell I’d like working with them, they had a brotherly vibe about them that was instantly comforting.

“Awesome, so now that introductions have been made, let’s get down to business, shall we? I’m really excited about this next project.” Austin plugged a laptop into a screen. It was sitting by itself on the desk which I assumed to be Austin’s. I took a seat at the table. With everyone.

“So, alcoholics, this time around we’ve been assigned Tru Rum, it’s Pina Colada flavored so we already know what that means…” the guys groaned and I simply figured it would probably be a bit on the sweeter side. Obviously, the folks who made the rum had the female demographic in mind. Making rum appealing to women could be easier than the guys thought, especially if it’s flavored.

“Christina I can’t help but notice that you’re the least worried out of everyone here,” Austin was smiling at me and I shrugged slightly and shared my thoughts. Austin’s smile widened and he sighed happily. “That’s why I’m so happy she’s here.” The guys all laughed at Austin and called him a sap.

Austin finished telling us about our product and we began brainstorming ways to market it and advertise it. I was in seventh heaven and completely in my element, finally doing what I knew I was good at. Time flew when we were brainstorming and it flew even quicker when working on something you were passionate about.

I completed a lot of the tasks Austin gave me quickly enough that he had me go and hop around from group to group with Trent.

“So are you new to the city?” Trent asked me politely as we sat at an empty table and worked on a few things for Austin. He gave us a big digital media task to work on together.

“No, I’ve lived here for about six or seven months now. I just finally found a job in my chosen field,” I explained and Trent seemed impressed.

“Wow, how’d you make it so long in the city without a solid career yet?” He seemed genuinely curious, as it wasn’t private knowledge that living in any of the boroughs or the city was pretty expensive compared to a lot of other places in the state.

“I had lucked out…sort of, with a really good in-between job, so to speak. I worked for a modeling agency that paid really well, but they worked me to death and I couldn’t wait to get out of working there,” I explained.

Trent seemed impressed.

“I have to give you props. A lot of people don’t usually start out in a city like this without at least a solid career in hand.”

Trent and I went back to our work for a while, and then soon lunch time came around. It would be a new experience for me to actually go out, take a break to eat, and then come back. Usually, I ate while working, if I had the time or could remember to eat lunch.

“Hey, I know this great sandwich shop around the corner from here, do you want to have lunch together?”

The way Trent phrased the question made me pause, but I forced myself not to read anything into it. Hell, if Jeffrey could have breakfast with his ex-girlfriend and not tell me about it, then I could have lunch with a co-worker.

“Sure, I could go for a good sandwich,” I said with a smile and Trent led the way out and down a couple of blocks to the sandwich shop, which got slammed as soon as we placed our lunch orders.

“Good thing we left when we did, or we would have never gotten our food in time,” Trent commented as we found a table outside to sit and eat. I had ordered a Vietnamese sub which Trent expressly suggested I try and he had an Asian inspired meatball sandwich. While we were eating, my phone rang. I checked to see who it was; Jeffrey, of course. I ignored the call and put my phone back in my bag.

“Toll free number?” Trent asked curiously and I chuckled.

“I wish…no it was just this guy…” I said vaguely and wondered what Jeffrey and I even were, I guess he was just a guy I was dating. It wasn’t like we came out and said we were not free to see other people…maybe that’s why he thought it was okay to have breakfast with his ex? But I had told him how I felt about her.

“Whoa, I just opened up a can of beans, I see it all over your face,” Trent said before he took a sip of his lemonade.

I laughed sardonically; he had no idea.

“It’s just…I’m dating this guy and I’m not sure where things are going with us, though he’s led me to believe that we could maybe work. I don’t know, it’s all just confusing right now, really,” I said truthfully.

I unloaded more than I had intended onto a complete stranger and the embarrassment slowly crept in. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say all of…that,” I said and Trent waved off my apology.

“It’s alright, it just sounds like whoever you’re dating is either screwing up royally, or doesn’t know what he has.”

Alexis Gold's Books