Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(47)

“Please, please, please hear me out, Christina,” Jeffrey begged and I shook my head again.

“No, I can’t do it, Jeffrey. I’m not strong enough for this and you know it. I don’t think we’ll work out…” I said quietly and Jeffrey closed the short gap between us with one stride before he pulled me into his arms and pressed his lips against mine, feverishly. My body recognized his instantly and I melted against him. Jeffrey broke the kiss so he could whisper against my lips.

“I’m so sorry…”

I looked down and took a deep breath before stepping away from him.

“I am too, Jeffrey,” I said before getting into my car and driving away.

I left my heart with a rose on the sidewalk that morning and the feeling was unbearable. Work lifted my spirits a little bit. The guys picked up on my mood, I thought, and they were particularly funny. Austin gave me work to focus on and I appreciated any and all distraction from how shitty I felt inside.

“Hey, how about we all go for lunch at that great pizza place down the street, Giro’s?” Tristan suggested as we all sat at the collaboration table outside of Austin’s office. Austin was sitting with us, too, and Trent had just rejoined our table.

“Aw, man that sounds so good right now. Christina, have you ever tried Giro’s?” Trent asked.

I shook my head, my expression was curious and Caiden made a big deal of my needing to try the pizza there.

“It’s a lifetime goal, you have to try it,” Bryce commented and Trent pounded his fist lightly on the table.

“It’s settled then, team lunch at Giro’s, let’s go.”

Everyone got up to leave and I fell to the back of the group as the guys talked. Trent hung back with me and touched my chin briefly. I realized I had been staring at the floor. I looked up at him with a small smile.

“Sorry, in my head a lot today,” I said sheepishly and Trent tilted his head at me curiously. I felt as if he could see right through me.

“It’s that other guy isn’t it?” I sighed and then nodded. Trent shook his head and I saw his jaw clench.

“If it were me lucky enough to date you, which I hope you haven’t passed on my offer by the way, I’d treat you right. No other women, you’d be my princess.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“No offense or anything…but are you just saying that?” I asked. He probably told all the girls that just to get them into bed or something.

Trent looked at me in all seriousness and shook his head no.

“Not at all, Christina. If I like you enough to want to date you and you express interest in return, you’d be my number one focus,” he said sincerely.

I wondered then if it would be so bad to date Trent. I smiled at him tentatively and he seem satisfied. We had fallen behind the group as we walked the busy sidewalks of the city and caught up with them just before they walked into the restaurant.

“There you guys are, we were worried we would have to plaster your faces on the side of milk cartons,” Bryce quipped. Both Trent and I snorted at the same time. We looked at each other and started cracking up. It’s highly unlikely that either of us would end up with our faces on a milk carton.

Lunch was better after Trent cheered me up a little. I was able to really laugh and joke around with the guys. The pizza at Giro’s was amazing and the guys were kind of surprised that they liked hanging out with me. I wasn’t “afraid to eat like a normal person” according to Caiden, and they invited me for drinks after work. I glanced at Trent and wondered if he was going, he looked at me, seeming to read my mind, and nodded. I smiled and told the guys that I’d love to join.

I wasn’t completely over Jeffrey; I wasn’t over him at all. But I was at least living my life without him. Well, for a day so far, who knew how the weekend and next few weeks would pan out. I already missed his carefree attitude and constant joking around.

His need for me was also something I missed like crazy. I was just starting to see just how much he really had feelings for me. Of course, now that I cut things off with him, it all made freaking sense. I sighed, maybe I should call him…

“There you go thinking again, where’s that cute little dimpled smile of yours?” Trent nudged me and I smiled almost reluctantly. “There she is,” Trent said, a smile echoed on his face.

Work went on from there, it wasn’t too bad, the guys kept me laughing and after work Trent walked me to my car and I thought for a moment that he was going to kiss me goodbye. He was standing very close to me and he leaned forward to place his hand on the roof of my car.

“So, I’ll see you tonight then?” Trent asked hopefully. I nodded and smiled tentatively.

“You will, I wouldn’t miss hanging out with those guys…and you,” I said.

I caused Trent’s smile to grow and he leaned forward to press a soft kiss to my lips. I was surprised, I didn’t think he would actually do it.

Trent pulled back and smiled at me before he waved and then headed to his car or wherever he went after work. I was about to turn around and get into my car when Jeffrey came, literally, out of nowhere.

“Was that good for you?” He looked furious and all the breath left me as he backed me up against my car. There were people walking back and forth on the sidewalk, of course, but no one found this to be alarming in the slightest.

Alexis Gold's Books