Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(51)

He shrugged. I guessed it was only a halfway advice kind of night.

“Victor, seriously, short of asking her to marry me, what could I possibly do?”

Victor snorted and I rolled my eyes. It’s not like the thought of marrying Christina hasn’t crossed my mind. I wanted to marry her one day, but I knew it was way too soon for that question and she’d most likely say no if I asked.

“You have that interview with Vanity Fair coming up, tell them you’re in a serious relationship with her. You know they’ll ask. It’ll make your relationship public and your intentions clear, as well as send a message to the women like Roxanna in the countless other previous affairs you’ve had.

“Once it comes out in Vanity Fair it’ll be like breaking news. ‘One of the world’s most eligible is taken.’ I can see it now.” Victor chuckled. “Women from all over will shed a tear that day.”

“Okay, that’s one thing, but I need something else, too…something more in your face…” I said as I tried to brainstorm.

“Tell her that you love her, have it written in the sky or some shit,” Victor suggested jokingly.

I rolled my eyes, he wasn’t taking things seriously. I’d have to mull over some ideas.

“Dude, how’d you manage to get into a serious relationship so quickly with Vanessa?” I asked him.

Victor slowly turned his head towards me as he mulled that over.

“Well…actually we started dating way back when she first began working at Stargate…”

My eyes popped. I was shocked, upset he had hidden it from me, though I understood why. I would have let Vanessa go at the time.

“Fucking idiot…” I sighed and simply shook my head. “So how’d you guys end up working out?”

Victor pursed his lips and jumped into his explanation. I thought he was relieved that I didn’t chew him out more about lying to me for about two f*cking years.

“Well, at first it was just all instant attraction, lots of passion, lots of heat. Which there still is…but we have managed to control it so we can get work done during the day…” Victor looked at me knowingly and I gestured for him to continue, a small smirk on my face.

“Everything was so intense we just clung onto each other and then life started getting in the way and we had to learn to be normal, yet still manage to be together where we weren’t completely destroying each other. It’s simply a balance you have to find between love life and everything else.

“Of course, you want to put Christina on a pedestal above all else, and she will come before nearly everything, but you both have to be secure in your love. She, most importantly, needs to recognize that you love her and she loves you. That way her insecurities will start to dissipate and more trust will be built between you guys.

“It’s all just coming to terms with the fact that holy shit, you’re the only person who has ever made me feel like this; after that, the rest will be history.”

Victor was like the f*cking love guru and before I could express how much great advice he gave me, of course I had to crack up.

Victor rolled his eyes and sighed. “I’m only trying to give you insightful information. It’s the only f*cking way, so laugh it off if you want,” Victor said in annoyance.

I sobered myself and wiped the mirth from my eyes.

“It’s great, no really, you gave great advice. I will tell her how I feel, it’s the only way that makes sense, then I’ll try and get her to recognize her feelings for me,” I said resolutely, Victor nodded and then we stopped talking about our f*cking love lives and watched the game like men. Soon, the women were calling us over to the eat-in kitchen table for dinner.

“Everything smells amazing as usual, Ma, thank you.” I kissed my mom on the cheek and she gave me a one armed hug before rubbing my back and gesturing for me to sit next to Christina.

“I’m just so happy my son has finally found someone he truly cares about. Also, I can’t help but be excited about the gorgeous grandbabies I will be having within the next year hopefully.”

I covered my face with my hand, mortified at my mother, but honestly it would have been odd if she hadn’t brought it up. Everyone laughed and Christina nudged me in the side lightly. I looked over at her and she smirked.

“We would have beautiful babies,” Christina said and my mother smiled like the damn Cheshire cat and then kissed Christina on both cheeks before she took a seat in between Christina and Vanessa at the round kitchen table. We were towards the back of the room and the eat-in was tucked into a circular little family sized dining area. There was a surround of picturesque windows that looked out at the garden in the back. I committed that moment to memory because I felt everyone at that table was my family.

Dinner went great, my mom obviously adored Christina and I realized that Christina and Vanessa had become friends over the past few days. Even Victor liked her and he was the toughest when it came to leaving a good impression. Victor usually found some flaw, but he got all of her jokes and references and if someone could make Victor laugh, they were pretty much an amazing person.

By the time we got back to the car, both Christina and I were stuffed full of fajitas and my mom’s special pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. The combination was oddly delicious, yet the food was filling because it was addicting and had you going back for more.

Alexis Gold's Books