Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(45)

My head snapped up so my gaze could meet Trent’s. He was smiling at me and looking at me with open appreciation…did he like me?

“Uh…” I didn’t know what to say. Trent smiled and I bit my lip, I was definitely nervous. I felt almost as if I was cheating on Jeffrey, though I wasn’t even doing anything. Plus, Jeffrey was the one having clandestine breakfast dates with his ex-girlfriend.

“Would you maybe consider going out on an actual date with me? Whenever you’re free?” Trent reached into my bag to pull out my phone and he put his number into it. My eyes were probably wide with a bit of surprise. I hadn’t really expected Trent to be so bold.

“Um…sure,” I said, because why not? I wasn’t in a committed relationship with Jeffrey…obviously. Plus, it was almost more realistic to date Trent. There was no way I would have been able to keep up with someone like Jeffrey. He was a model for Pete’s sake. Trent smiled like he was the happiest guy on the block.

“Great, I’m actually free tonight, are you doing anything?” he asked me curiously, his expression was open and expectant.

“I am busy tonight, actually…” I said, though I wasn’t too sure anymore. I did plan on confronting Jeffrey about his breakfast date and that might end up in our breaking things off. I wasn’t going to have him playing around with my emotions.

“Oh, okay well, if your night opens up, don’t be too shy to call. Otherwise, of course, we can always make a date for another night,” Trent smiled, he was confident, but not too confident. I liked that.

“I definitely will,” I said and then we finished our lunch and went back to the office. We people watched on our way back. Trent had a way of noticing funny things about people.

Work went by just as quickly in the afternoon as it did in the morning. I left the office with a huge smile on my face and I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I loved my job.

I went back to my apartment and decided to return Jeffrey’s call. He answered on the first ring.

“Christina, I’m glad you called me…I missed you, missed your voice. How was your first day?” Jeffrey sounded relieved that I called and I wanted to yell at him about this morning, since he thought I didn’t know.

“My first day was great, actually. Though you threatened to ruin it this morning when I went for breakfast at the Second Avenue bagel shop,” I said bluntly.

There was a pause on the other end of the line and then Jeffrey sighed.

“I should have told you I saw her again. She was at the bagel shop while I was getting my own breakfast and she practically begged me to at least have a conversation with her. I thought I’d hear her out to see why she all of a sudden wanted back into my life,” Jeffrey explained.

“I thought you knew already what she wanted,” I said. I hated that I sounded so accusing, but I couldn’t help it. Jeffrey was like some sort of kryptonite for me, he got under my skin and I hated that I felt so vulnerable when it came to him.

“Me, too, but it’s…more complicated than I thought with her. She’s been through a lot recently and just reached out to someone who has been her friend for a very long time. I mean, I know…I know she could still have ulterior motives, but I had to at least hear her out. Christina, please try and understand. I want you, I don’t want anyone else and that is what matters, I won’t so much as touch her when I have you.”

“Do you have me, Jeffery? I mean we’re just dating. That’s the bottom line still, you’re not technically committed to me and…if you want to be there for her that’s fine, I can’t control you. I just…I don’t want to get too invested into us when there is Roxanna so obviously trying to keep you for herself,” I said truthfully.

Jeffrey was quiet for a moment before he spoke again.

“I don’t want Roxanna, Christina, I want you,” he said quietly. The sincerity in his tone touched me and I grew both sad and angry that it did.

“I just don’t trust her, Jeffrey. How would you feel if our roles were reversed?” I asked him. A vivid picture of Trent barreled to the forefront of my mind and I quickly squashed down that guilt. All I had done, really, was let him have my number.

“I’d kill any guy who so much as looked at you too long, let alone kissed you.” Jeffrey was so blunt and quick with his reply that I was shocked into silence. Jeffrey sighed harshly. “I’m crazy about you, Christina, I don’t want anyone to mess up what we have…how about we make a pact, right now?

“We’re no longer ‘dating,’ we’re together and we put each other first,” Jeffrey’s tone was final as he made the vow and I bit my lip. That’s all I really wanted; he was what I wanted, I couldn’t deny that. No, he wasn’t the safe bet, but my heart wanted him and that was what mattered.

“Okay…” I said softly and Jeffrey breathed a huge sigh of relief.

“Okay. So I’m picking you up tonight and we’re still going out, right?” Jeffrey asked to make sure and I told him we were still on for that night. We ended the call and then I got a text message from Vanessa wanting to take up on our nail date.

I did have a few hours to kill so I texted her back that I would meet her at the nail salon in East Village. When I arrived at the little nail shop, which was packed with people, no less, I found Vanessa waiting inside. I had to laugh as she was taking up two seats in the waiting area that had limited chairs for people to sit and wait. People were sending her dirty glances, but she looked like she could care less.

Alexis Gold's Books