Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(32)

We arrived at the W and then went up to the suite where the photo shoot was being held. There was a fantastic view of the city and Times Square. Jeffrey was already there when we arrived and Marissa went into her weird gushy mode when she saw “her boys all dressed up,” or dressed down I should say. The guys were modeling underwear first and then a few other full outfits. I didn’t know how I felt about Jeffrey’s perfect body being on display for all to see…but for me, of course.

“Christina, go out and get these boys some refreshments, sparkling water, you know these minibars overcharge tremendously.” I clenched my jaw and was going to go do her bidding when Jeffrey came over to me and pulled me against him for a kiss.

“Hi,” he said with a smile that made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world just to have his attention.

“Hi…I have to go and get you guys some refreshments.” Jeffrey lifted an eyebrow at me and then nodded his head over to where Marissa was talking to the two other male models.

“You can quit right now and she can go get the refreshments.” Jeffrey grinned mischievously and I squared my shoulders. That was it, I was going to go over there and quit. I nodded and Jeffrey rubbed my shoulders before he kissed me good luck and watched me walk over to Marissa.

“Excuse me, Marissa, can I have a word with you for just a few seconds?” I asked politely, she seemed a bit annoyed, but otherwise she excused herself from the two men and we stepped to the side as the last guy had arrived and they needed to get started.

“Yes, Christina, what is it?” Marissa was waiting for me to get on with what I needed to tell her.

“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but I’m quitting,” I said bluntly. Marissa squinted at me, as if she was trying to figure out if I was for real or not.

“You’re quitting eventually, or you’re quitting right now and you won’t be coming in tomorrow?” She pursed her lips, her expression souring as she waited for my answer.

I prayed that she would not make a scene.

“I’m quitting right now; I wasn’t planning on working at the modeling agency forever, Marissa, I really want a job in marketing and advertising. It’s time I start putting my focus on that.”

Marissa looked at me as if I were suddenly blind and she gestured to the photo shoot.

“Is that not advertising?” I sighed and then clarified what I meant.

“I mean, I want to work with corporations, not the models that pose in the pictures they decide on after the fact. I want to be a part of the entire creative process, not just getting coffee and doing grunt work,” I explained as calmly and politely as possible.

Marissa rolled her eyes.

“So my Target girl wants to run along and create commercials and ads. That’s fine, I can understand your motivations for leaving.” Marissa’s expression became utterly normal, as if I had just told her I was back with the sparkling water or something.

“I just want you to know something; when Kristi has that child she’s creating and she can no longer work for me, because the girl doesn’t believe in day care, and her position opens up, I’ll call you to come and work for me, you are smart and you do your best at everything, even if it’s just getting coffee.

“But because there is no way you’ll find an open marketing position in a city like this, you will go broke soon. So during the seven-month period Kristi is still taking up space in my office, I’ll let you go homeless and starve from not being able to find a job so don’t think about re-applying for your same position at Urban Plus.”

Marissa turned sharply on her heel and smacked me in the face with her hair before she went and disappeared behind the set lights.

“That was…priceless!” Jeffrey cracked up while he was putting on a black button down shirt and matching black pants. “The expressions on her face were one thing, but the expressions on yours!” Jeffrey continued to laugh while he recounted every word that was exchanged between Marissa and I. I didn’t even know he was close enough the entire time to overhear us as well as watch our reactions.

“Can you verify for me that she managed to accept I was quitting, offer me a job, and fire me all in a few short sentences?”

Jeffrey cracked up all over again and he nodded.

“She said she wanted you to take that Kristi person’s job, and she understands why you’re quitting, but you’re not allowed to have your job back…that sounds about right.” Jeffrey confirmed what I was able to reason out of all of that and he just kept laughing. I shook my head and then soon I was laughing with him. Marissa was a piece of work, that was for sure.

“I have to go give her a hug, that was an amazing performance, I couldn’t have expected better.” Jeffrey was putting on a pair of shoes while he hopped around in search of Marissa. I simply shook my head and took a seat to wait for Jeffrey to finish.

“Hey, that took balls, I must admit. She liked you, though, so that worked in your favor,” said one of the models who came up to me and gave me congratulations for quitting. It made me wonder if Marissa was loud when she was speaking. It was more likely that she was and I was just too confused to keep up with everything, other than what she was saying.

“Thanks, I can’t say that was the least interesting way to quit a job that’s for sure.” The guy chuckled and he was about to say something else when Jeffrey came up behind the stool I was sitting on. He placed his hands lightly on my waist, in a clear sign of ownership and I wanted to roll my eyes at him. Like there was any way that guy was trying to hit on me at all.

Alexis Gold's Books