Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(29)

“So, just to double check, you did say you’d let me help you find a job in marketing, right?” I asked her and she nodded slowly.

“Yeah, it definitely couldn’t hurt any, and I wouldn’t be able to afford my apartment for long without a job.”

I almost offered to pay her rent, but I knew that would be just as sensitive as the car issue.

“Good…you know my company could always use a few more people on our public relations team, and I already know Vanessa loves you…” I suggested on a whim, though I really didn’t expect her to say yes.

“I couldn’t work for you, that would be weird. I mean…we’re sleeping together. I’d be having sex with my boss. Then how much work could we possibly get done if we’re having office sex all the time?” Christina brought up a valid point and I nodded.

“You’re right, you’re completely right, and what was I thinking? Though, maybe I could hire you as my personal assistant and we could meet a couple of times a week at my place?” I gave her a saucy look and she laughed at me while shaking her head.

“No to that idea also, we’re already dating, it wouldn’t make sense.”

I shrugged, she couldn’t blame a guy for trying. We pulled up to my house and Christina and I went right up to my room. She started packing her duffel bag and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What are you doing?” I asked her and she stopped putting a shirt into her bag.

“I only packed for one night…” she said cautiously. I shook my head and motioned for her to leave everything where it was and to put the bag down.

“No, the weekend isn’t over until Monday comes...” I was pouting, but I didn’t care, I wanted her to stay with me, dammit.

“Alright, you convinced me.” Christina hopped onto the bed after kicking her duffel bag back under it. She grinned at me playfully and I smiled before jumping on her. I was going to be tired in the morning, but I didn’t really care.

“You know…I wanted to be a good sport and not gloat about the Dolphins winning today…but I think you need a consolation prize over losing our bet and the game.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, of course she had to have some comment about the Giants losing to the Dolphins.

“And my consolation prize would be?” I asked while she pushed me onto my back and went about unbuckling my pants.

“I think you need some attention.”

I smiled like the damn Cheshire cat. Christina was being a little minx and I loved it. But then she had my cock in her hand and all smiles and giggles went out the window. She held me with just the right amount of grip and slowly stroked my cock, and it didn’t take much until it was hard and straining in her grip.

Her mouth hovered dangerously close to the head of it and my hips moved restlessly as I waited for her to put her mouth around me.

“Don’t tease, baby…don’t f*cking tease…” I said, my voice low and hoarse with need. Christina continued to stroke me until a bead of moisture slipped past the head and fell onto her fingers. I groaned when she licked it up, her tongue only barely brushing my shaft.

Finally, her tongue circled the sensitive head and I groaned again when she sucked the tip into her mouth. Her tongue pressed against the engorged head and swirled around it while she continued to stroke my shaft. My head fell back against the pillows and I let out a drawn out curse before she took more of me into her mouth.

Her lips closed tight around me and she sucked with the perfect amount of pressure. I tried my best not to move my hips or grip her head. My hands fisted in the sheets as she tortured me, going slowly, as if she were savoring me.

I couldn’t help it after a point and my hand tangled in her hair while I gently pushed her head down further onto my cock. She never gagged and took as much I gave her. Soon, my hips started to move and I lightly thrust into her mouth. I cursed harshly when she took me deep into the back of her throat and swallowed around my cock.

I had no idea she was so amazing at that. Christina removed my restless hands from her hair and held them down on either side of me while she picked up her pace. My hips started to move with her and soon I felt the orgasm build from the base of my cock and shoot up into her mouth. My cock twitched with my release and I groaned Christina’s name as she sucked me clean.

“Shit…Christina…shit…” I didn’t know what to say, she was amazing. I couldn’t fathom how or why sex felt so much better with her, just her. I had never felt nearly as good as I did when I was with Christina.

The implications of why kind of scared me and I wasn’t ready to acknowledge it yet, I simply could not fathom how, honestly. I did know one thing for sure, I wouldn’t be caught dead letting Christina be snatched up by another guy. I wanted her to belong to me and only me.

“Was that…okay?” I looked at her in shock, she couldn’t have seriously just asked me that question. Not after the orgasm I just had and the way she made me feel.

“That was more than okay, Christina, that was f*cking incredible.” I sat up and cupped her face in my hands before I kissed her. I loved that she tasted like me and some sort of caveman reaction lit up in my chest for her. It was like I claimed her in some way; she was mine and I was damn sure going to make sure she knew it. I didn’t want her second guessing herself anymore.

Alexis Gold's Books