Mr. Handsome A Billionaire Romance(24)

“Yeah, I could tell they really liked you, too. Vanessa is very selective with her friends, I know first-hand she doesn’t like just anyone.” Jeffrey looked at me as if I were something special and I bit my lip before glancing out the window at the passing city.

“So what are we doing tomorrow?” I asked curiously, before looking back at Jeffrey, who was watching me with unveiled heat in his eyes.

“Tomorrow? I can’t get past thoughts of tonight, honestly. We can stay in bed all day tomorrow, I’m okay with doing that.”

Jeffrey grinned at me boyishly and I giggled.

“That’s not such a bad idea…”

Jeffrey got excited at the possibility, my eyes widened when he pressed the button that would lift the partition and then my heart rate picked up with excitement.



All I could think about was getting Christina in my bed. I couldn’t keep my hands off her the entire ride over. She had just been sitting there, staring out the window with her lip in between her teeth and I simply had to have my mouth on her. I wanted to taste her almost as much as I wanted my next breath. The urge was baffling and relentless all the same. Christina was stretched out along the backseat and she was panting with need as I slid my hands up her inner thighs.

“Jeffrey…we’re in the car, we c—can’t just…”

Her breathy protest trailed off on a moan as my thumb found her clitoris through the panties she wore. I slipped my fingers underneath the hem and pulled them off before slipping them into my pocket.

I pushed her dress up and then spread her legs so I could put my mouth on her delicious folds. She tasted warm and sweet and she smelled incredible, like a mixture of caramel, vanilla, and peaches.

I glanced up at her and my blood rushed hotter through my veins at the picture of pleasure she presented. Christina’s back was arched and her eyes were closed as she held her lip in between her teeth, trying to keep quiet for the driver’s sake. Her hands pushed into my hair and I licked along her sex before flicking my tongue against her clitoris.

Christina slipped and she cried out before she could quiet herself. I moved my hand from one of her thighs and licked my fingers before slowly sliding them into her. Christina’s grip in my hair tightened and I looked up to see her eyes hot on me. Her eyelids were lowered and she still had her damn bottom lip caught between her teeth.

I fingered her slowly while my tongue flicked relentlessly against her clit and small whimpers and moans made their way to my ears. My cock was throbbing from the hard-on I was sporting, and all I wanted was for her to come so I could taste her orgasm on my tongue.

I felt her sex squeeze my fingers and then spasm as she came, I could imagine it was my cock her * was milking and I groaned against her sensitive clit. Christina gasped as she shook from the pleasure and I tasted the delicious liquid that came from her release.

I lapped up every last bit and then pulled her dress back down. Christina was dazed as I righted her in the backseat once more. We soon pulled to a stop outside of Christina’s apartment and I walked her upstairs.

I tried to hide my erection by walking practically pressed up against her; thank goodness there weren’t many people in the hallways of her building. As soon as we stepped through the front door, though, and the door was locked, I grabbed her around the waist and directed her towards the back of the couch where I bent her over for me.

I lifted her dress and quickly unbuckled my pants, then slid into her. Christina moaned my name and then pushed back against me. I sank deeper into her and she tightened around me, causing me to groan and tightly grip her waist.

She felt like a hot, slick glove around me, like f*cking heaven and I didn’t think I would ever get enough. I pumped into her hard and fast as we had the car waiting downstairs for us, though this time Christina wasn’t nearly as quiet as in the car.

She moaned and begged for me to f*ck her harder, she was bold when lost in pleasure, and my shy girl had fled in that moment. I f*cking loved it. I pumped into her just as hard as she wanted and touched the very heart of her over and over again until my name was a litany on her lips.

The orgasm devastated us both and all I registered was the painful pleasure of my release shooting into her and the sensitive aftershocks of the orgasm before we both were collapsed on the floor.

“Holy shit, baby…You—you’re going to ruin me,” I said while holding her tight in my lap.

“I think you’ve got that backwards,” she whispered while she hugged me and played with my hair in her fingers. After another moment of catching our breath, I slid out of her and cleaned her up before she went to pack her bag.

“I’m just going to change before we head back to your place,” she said as I lounged on the couch, waiting for her. My head snapped up and I shook my head almost vehemently.

“No, don’t change. I still want you in several different positions while wearing those shoes,” I urged her and she smiled before shaking her head at me. “Only I get to undress you, and then you’ll simply be naked in my bed,” I informed her.

“Oh, my mistake, I didn’t get that memo,” she teased.

I quirked an eyebrow at her while she put some clothes into her duffel bag.

“Well, now you know,” I said. “The next time you drop the ball, though, I might have to spank you.”

Christina looked at me with wide eyes and a surprised expression.

Alexis Gold's Books