Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(24)

Cord’s hands fell away.

Was it an automatic reaction because it brought to mind the demise of his own marriage? “I’m not surprised, things have been bad for awhile. Alan is constantly on the road driving truck. When he is home he’s not much of a husband or father. Jenn’s always pretended things’d get better, but she found out he lied to her and she’s fed up. She and the kids are moving in with us while she makes some decisions.”

After awhile Cord said, “I’m sorry.”

“Me too. She needs me tonight, so I can’t stay.”

Cord spun her to face him. Then his hands were in her hair and his mouth was hot and demanding on hers. She sank into the kiss, twining her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through his damp hair. He herded her until her spine hit the counter.

“Wait, I have to go—”

“You drove all the way over here to tell me you can’t stay?” He nuzzled the skin below her ear. “You could’ve called. Which leads me to believe you want to stick around.”

“I do. But I can’t.”

“You will stay.”

His low sexy voice reverberated throughout her entire body. “Cord—”

“Thirty minutes.” He tipped her chin up to gaze into her eyes. “You owe me, baby doll. I’ve been thinkin’ all damn day ’bout how bad I want your hands on me. And with the way I feel right now, it’s gonna last thirty seconds.” He kissed the corners of her mouth. “Which still gives us twenty-nine minutes and thirty seconds to mess around.”

“Is that, um, enough time?”

“With you? Not nearly.” He reversed their positions and his back rested against the counter. “You want me to teach you about sex and how to satisfy a man’s needs, right?”


“Undo my pants.”


“Right now.”

Oh wow. Even though she’d been waiting to get her hands on him forever, AJ’s hands shook as she unbuckled his belt. She fumbled with the top button of his jeans.

After several frustrating attempts, she pressed her forehead to his chest, feeling embarrassed, feeling…virginal. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Hey now, you’re doin’ fine.”

She chanced a look at him. God, he was gorgeous. His rugged face defined masculine ferocity—the hard angular edge of his jaw, and his jagged cheekbones. His blue eyes burned indigo with lust. His goatee and mustache was the perfect frame for his perfectly kissable full lips. She wanted him so much. How could she prove it? “Kiss me.”

He pecked her on the forehead. “I plan to spend hours kissin’ you, but I wanna see the look on your face when you see my cock for the first time.”

Heat flooded AJ’s cheeks.

“Ah, you are so goddamn sweet when you blush like that. It’s sexy as hell.”

Buoyed by his enthusiasm, she reached for the tab on his zipper and tugged it down.

Her palm brushed the firm lump off to the left. She stroked it, amazed she could feel heat through the denim.

Cord sucked in a harsh breath.

AJ wrenched his pants legs until the jeans were down around his knees, leaving him in his navy blue boxer briefs. She grinned. “I expected Superman underwear like Ky’s.”

Lorelei James's Books