Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(29)

Kade parallel parked in front of DeWitt’s Pharmacy. He wandered around until he found the display—Sky Blue—all natural ingredients—locally made.

Right. Another freakazoid, Birkenstock-wearing, organic type who invaded Wyoming to bilk gullible ladies like his mama into buying beauty junk they didn’t need.

He picked up a bottle of lotion. Nineteen bucks? Holy crap. He was definitely in the wrong business.

He noticed a bar of soap with the same scent as the lotion. After a quick look around to make sure no one was spying on him, he picked it up and sniffed. Not bad. Kind of tangy. Lemony. He added a can of motor oil and a package of mousetraps to the cart just so he didn’t look like a total f*cking * to the cashier.

Kade stood on the sidewalk debating on whether to have lunch first before heading home. Click click sounded and he turned to the woman in heels storming toward him.

Mercy. She was all curves: hips, ass, thighs, and breasts. He loved women who looked like women and not a skeleton with skin. Her straight brown hair had a hint of red in the bright sunlight. Kade stepped out of her way, figuring she’d pass right on by.


Miss Sexy Curves bumped her pointy-toed purple shoes against his shit-covered boots and glared. “You were a total jerk to me the other night, Kane McKay. I don’t appreciate you ditching me at the restaurant. What kind of shithead—”

“Whoa. Wait a second. I’m not—”

“—the least bit sorry, yeah, I can tell. Why are you here? Trolling for some woman who’ll give you a piece of ass on the first date since I wouldn’t?”

That f*cker Kane was such an *. Times like this it plain sucked they were identical twins and few people could tell them apart. This woman must be Kane’s date from the other night.

His brother was an idiot too. How had he walked away from such a smoking hot firecracker?

“Got nothing to say, McKay?”

And he had a really good idea on what he wanted to say, and how to make this right.

No. It was a bad idea. A terrible idea.

The devil on his shoulder said: Do it. You and Kane used to switch places all the time. You’re not misleading her; you’re protecting the McKay name from another bit of damaging gossip.

“Actually, I do have somethin’ to say to you.” What the hell was her name again?

Something hippyishly weird. Aha. “Skylar.”

“I’m listening.”

“I’m sorry. I lost your number or I woulda called to apologize for bein’ a first class jerk. But I’d taken some allergy medicine and lordy, did it do a number on me. Normally I don’t act like that. Not that I remember a whole helluva lot besides goin’ home and crashin’.”

Skylar looked at him skeptically.

“Can I make it up to you? Buy you lunch? I swear I won’t run out again.”


“How about now?”

“Sure. You don’t mind vegetarian?”

Fuck. Kade slapped on a fake smile. “Not at all.”

She laughed; it made him think of bells. “You are such a liar. Your family raises cattle. You probably shoot vegetarians.”

“Only if they’re part of PETA protestin’ inhuman treatment of our stock. That pisses us off.”

“I can imagine.”

“Besides, I eat salad. Not crazy about tofu. Or beans ground up and passed off as burgers. A burger is supposed to be meat. Beans are only good in tacos and chili.” Kade looked up. Damn. He’d been babbling.

Lorelei James's Books