Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(27)

When the last pulse in her clit slowed, Cord stilled. His cock jerked against her stomach leaving behind a pool of warmth.

She tried to level her breathing, but it was impossible with two hundred pounds of amorous cowboy squeezing every bit of air from her lungs.

Not that she was complaining.

Cord raised up on his elbows only high enough to suck on her nipples. “Have I mentioned how much I like your tits?” Using his teeth to pull her nipple into a long point, he watched it shrink and repeated the process on the other side. “I could suck on them, play with them, f*ck them all day long.”

“How does that work?”

He looked at her. “What?”

“Umm. How would you…”

“Fuck them?” He grinned. “I could tell you, but I’d rather show you.” He smooched her nose. “Once you get goin’ you really ain’t shy at all, are you?”

“No.” AJ trailed her fingers over his chin. “Lord you have a sexy mouth, a sexy everything, Cord McKay. I like the way your facial hair feels on my skin.”

“Think of how good it’s gonna feel rubbin’ between your thighs as I’m kissin’ your sweet spot, baby doll.”

She shivered with want.

“Maybe we oughta get off the floor, huh?” Cord eased back, snatched a kitchen towel and cleaned them up. Neither spoke as they dressed.

As AJ passed the hall mirror she caught sight of her reflection and nearly shrieked.

Tangled hair. Red and puffy lips. Bright eyes. She was an absolute mess.

Cord tugged her away from primping. “You look like a woman should, tousled and sexy, satisfied from good lovin’.”

AJ froze at the word “lovin’”.

Using that word doesn’t mean he loves you.


“Nothing.” Her eyes studied his. “No regrets? You don’t look at me and feel guilty for messing around with the Swiss Miss Instant Cocoa Girl?”

He scowled. “No. Who the hell ever said that about you?”

“Your brother Colby called me that one time.”

“Consider the source. Colby’s a bonehead. That ain’t what I see at all when I look at you.”

“So, what do you see when you look at me?”

“Not Amy Jo, my son’s babysitter. When I noticed you dancin’ at the Golden Boot in that shamelessly brazen miniskirt and them naughty red panties, I started thinkin’ of you in terms of us naked together. A lot.”

Better than she’d hoped.

“What do you see when you look at me?” he asked.

“A hot rancher with a killer body, a wicked smile and even more wicked hands. A good man I trust.” A man I’ve been in love with my whole damn life.

“You know I’m too old for you, right?”

“I’d say experienced, not old.”

“Right. But I’m such a selfish prick I ain’t lettin’ no other man touch you until I’ve had my fill of you.”

May that day never come, Cord McKay.

Cord framed her face in his hands. “I haven’t had my fill of you tonight, that’s for damn sure. But your thirty minutes are up, so it’ll have to wait until tomorrow night.”

“What if I can’t make it?”

Lorelei James's Books