Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(32)

And didn’t that make him a selfish bastard? Did it make him a nancy boy that he’d spent extra time on his appearance? Trimming his mustache and goatee. Giving himself a close shave. Plus he’d changed the sheets on the bed, cleaned the bathroom and generally tidied up the rest of his house.

So where was she?

The phone rang and Cord was half-afraid to answer it, thinking AJ might be calling to cancel. But it was his mother, grilling him on Colt. As he listened to her chatter, he saw dust plumes on the main gravel road. AJ had arrived.

“Ma. My cell is ringin’. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He hung up and watched AJ’s metallic black Jeep park in the hidden alcove next to the barn.

His heart kicked into double time. He’d never been the type for unbridled affection with anyone besides his son. Why didn’t he rush out to meet her? Swing her into his arms, pepper her sweet face with kisses just to hear her laugh?

Because you’ll appear too eager. Too desperate.

So instead, he slouched against the newel post at the bottom of the staircase, waiting for her to come to him.

Light footsteps echoed across the porch and then two solid raps on the screen door.

Cord counted to ten and walked to the front entryway.

He smiled and opened the door, giving her a hot head-to-toe appraisal. Short pink skirt, skin-tight white T-shirt proclaiming “Cowgirls Ride Better Dirty” and rhinestone dotted flip-flops. He experienced a twinge of guilt because she looked so young and innocent. But the guilt vanished when he saw the lust brimming in her eyes, making them as hot as liquid mercury.

“Hey, baby doll. Don’t you look good.”

AJ stared at his mouth. “Thanks.”

“Can I getcha a beer?”

“Ah. Sure.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. But aren’t you gonna kiss me hello?”

Cord bent down to press his lips to hers, gliding over the plump softness of her mouth a couple of times and retreated to lick his lips. “Mmm. You taste like lemons.” He gauged her disappointment. “If I start kissin’ you proper, I won’t wanna stop and I ain’t gonna maul you in the foyer.”

“I wouldn’t mind.”

“Playin’ with fire, AJ. I’ll grab the beer and be right back.”

“Don’t you want me to come into the kitchen? I could help.”

He spun back around and shook his finger at her. “You stay right there. We get into trouble in the kitchen.”

“I’m hoping we get into trouble everywhere else too.” AJ smiled coyly and wandered away.

Cord popped the tops on two Budweisers and tracked her to the living room. Damn, she was a bright spot of color against the dark wood and formal furniture. “Here.”

She grabbed the bottle from him. “Thanks. So, what did you do today?”

“Fixed equipment. Hauled water. Dumped manure. Chewed Colt’s ass. Everyday ranch stuff.” He sat on the couch and put his beer on the coffee table. “What about you?”

“Dealt with Jenn after she went to the lawyer’s office.”

“She’s really goin’ through with it?”

“Apparently. She talked to Alan this morning. He doesn’t seem too upset about the divorce, which is upsetting to her. It’s upsetting to me too.”

Lorelei James's Books