Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(28)

“You will be here. We have a deal. Your nights are mine, AJ. If you miss a night, you will owe me a day. And don’t kid yourself for a single second that I won’t chase you down to collect.”

“I might enjoy you chasing after me for a change.”


“Never mind.” She kissed the lines between his eyes. “Don’t scowl. It’ll give you wrinkles.”

“They’d go with the gray hair Ky’s givin’ me.”

She put her fingers over his lips. “Not another word about being old.”

Chapter Eight

Kade volunteered for all the shit jobs around the McKay ranch. He’d avoided his brother and Colt when they weren’t working, even crashing at his folks’ house because sleeping at the Boars Nest made him uneasy.

Part of him wondered if what he’d seen really happened or if it was just another weird-assed dream fueled by alcohol.

Resting his forearm on the pitchfork, he took a breather and allowed his mind to drift. The night after the threesome with Jazz, he’d gone out with his cousin Dag and they’d returned to a house filled with drunken strangers. Dead tired, he’d dropped into bed. Dag had decided to stick around.

A few hours later Kade had stumbled to the kitchen for a bottle of water when he saw two naked bodies f*cking on the living room floor.

Guys. Going at it like animals.

A skinny man was on his knees with his bony white ass hiked high in the air, his arms stretched above his head on the floor, wrists tied with a bandana and a gag shoved in his mouth. It was so dark Kade couldn’t see his face.

A bruiser with a crew cut was jacking off the skinny guy as he f*cked his captive in the ass so savagely they both skidded across the carpet with dual groans of satisfaction.

By that time Kade decided he wasn’t so thirsty after all. He returned to bed. No sign of the horny guys in the morning, so he wondered if it hadn’t been some kind of homosexual dream. He sure wasn’t gonna ask Kane or Dag or Colt if they’d seen it and have them tease him for f*cking ever about it.

Not that he could give a shit what went on behind people’s bedroom doors in their own houses. But if what he’d seen had been real? And going down front and center in his house? Different story.

His family would be appalled if they knew about the circus-like sexual situations happening at the Boars Nest on a regular basis. His cheeks burned with shame. What had he been thinking, f*cking a total stranger? Then a threesome? Followed by another threesome with his twin? He didn’t want to live his life being just another “wild McKay boy” and the butt of jokes in four counties. Kade worried no decent woman would want him if she ever got wind of his previous sexual antics.

If he was completely honest, the debauchery had stopped being fun a while ago. And it seemed the chances of him ever finding a decent woman in this small community, who not only didn’t know about his every past sexual conquest, or who wouldn’t automatically mix him up with his twin brother, were slim to none. He’d learned enough from Cord’s failed marriage that a city girl wouldn’t fit here either. Basically, he was screwed on the relationship front. Not that any woman would probably believe him if he admitted he was more than ready to settle down.

With a sigh, he got back to work. There was always plenty of work on the McKay ranch.

An hour later his brother Kane called in his favor, sending him on an errand to the next town thirty-five miles from home for some special kind of lotion their mother used.

Lorelei James's Books