Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(26)

“You don’t. Not this time anyway. Keep it a steady pace until I tell you to move faster. Sweep your thumb over the spot below the slit.”

“This spot?” She rubbed back and forth over the spot where the cockhead split into the shaft.

“Baby doll, that feels good.”

What a heady sense of power; her hand could make him whimper. Could make him thrust his hips at her for more. Why, she could probably make this big bad cowboy…beg.

Ooh and she’d take such pride in cracking his tough-guy mask.

“Gimme that mouth,” he growled, swooping down to inhale her in a sizzling meeting of lips and tongues.

Somehow she kept a uniform rhythm as he scrambled her brain with his tongue-tangling kiss until he groaned.

“Faster.” Cord tipped his head back. “More. Like that. Jesus. Don’t stop.”

AJ alternated between watching his face and her hand.

“Here it comes.”

His cock spasmed and thick creamy liquid streamed out, landing on his belly. He arched his neck, losing himself in the moment. His fingers gripped the counter behind him until his knuckles turned white as the last spurts flowed over her hand.

She thought she might be embarrassed by the nitty gritty bodily functions of sex. But she was awestruck by the primal need his climax had brought out in her.

Cord opened his eyes. “You okay?”


“You can let go of my dick now.”

“I don’t want to.” AJ squeezed his shaft and he hissed again. “You’re still hard. I want you to teach me some more. Show me some more. God, Cord, show me everything.”


“We have time. Please. I have this ache low in my—”

His mouth slammed down on hers. He kissed her until she was woozy. “Clothes. Off.


Her tank top hit the floor. AJ unhooked her bra, kicked her boots away, slid out of her jeans and panties.

Cord was as naked as she was when he reached for her. Then they were on the floor with Cord on top.

Oh yes, this was what she wanted, his need as escalated as hers. That heady give-it-to-me-now sensation of lust.

As his hungry mouth suckled her right breast, his hand swept over her mound and he thrust two fingers inside her *.

A low groan rumbled from him and vibrated against her chest. “You’re so ready.”

“Then put it in me.”


“Cord. Please.”

“No. I will get you off, but I am not makin’ love to you for the first time on the goddamn kitchen floor, AJ. You’ve waited this long, you can wait another damn day.”

“Do something!”

He pinned her hands above her head. “Spread your legs.”

The second she was in place, he dragged his cock from the root to the tip down her cleft, keeping constant friction on her clit.

“Oh. Yes.”

“Like that? How ’bout this?” He thrust faster.


Cord kissed her as he steadily rocked. And rocked. Sliding. Gliding. Changing the tempo until she was begging without saying a word.

The sensation of his solid weight, his scorching body heat and his seductive mouth, coupled with the exquisite pressure between her legs, overwhelmed her and she exploded.

Lorelei James's Books