Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(21)

“Hell no, I’m not backin’ out. I have a ranch to run during the day anyway. Can you come to me at night?”

“Probably right after supper.”


She nodded.

“And every night after that?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“Oh, I want all right. We need to talk about somethin’ else anyway.” He shoved his hand through his hair and paced. “I ain’t about to ruin your reputation and mine because once we start this, I know I can’t keep my hands off you.”

“That’s bad?”

“Jesus, yes that’s bad. I can just hear the goddamn cradle robber jokes. So what happens between us stays between us and will be conducted in private. No exceptions.

We ain’t gonna go dancin’ or out to dinner. And it’s all gotta end when Ky comes home.”

“I’ll be headed back to school around then anyway.”

“Good enough. As far as birth control?”

“I’m on the pill.”

Cord stopped moving. “A virgin on the pill? Why?”

“About six months ago I was having some female issues and our school health clinician advised I get on the pill.”

He smiled. “No condoms. I’m down with that.”

“You are…clean?”

“Yes.” Cord slapped his hands beside her shoulders, caging her in. “Somethin’ else you oughta consider, AJ. I’m demanding in bed. Very demanding. Since we’ll only be spendin’ a few hours a day together, I’ll expect all that time will be naked time. And you better be prepared to say yes to whatever I ask or tell you to do.”

“Within reason.”

He lifted a brow. “Got a few conditions?”

“Yes. I won’t be cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, dishes or floors—even if you have some master/slave fantasy and command me to do it naked.” Her silvery eyes narrowed. “And don’t think I haven’t heard the rumors about the wild McKay men and their appetite for kink, threesomes and whatever. No multiples. Just you and me. That’s it.”

“Deal. But that means you will give me control. If I’m teachin’ you, we’ll do it my way. Anything I want, any way I want, any time, any place.” Cord layered his body to hers, rubbing his cock into the soft notch between her thighs. “Feel how hard I am? You did that to me, baby doll. I’m gonna have to go home and jack off in the shower, imaginin’ it’s your hand around my cock. So when you come to me tomorrow, you’ll owe me one.”

“I can’t wait to pay up.” AJ gave him a flirty kiss and vanished into the night.

Chapter Seven

“Sweetheart, what time did your sister say she’d be here?”

AJ glanced at the clock. Jenn was over an hour late. “You know she always runs behind.”

And of all the days for Jenn to be late…AJ should’ve been at Cord’s house thirty minutes ago. Just thinking about what he might have planned made her heart race.

She slapped a lid on the goulash and wiped down the counters. Done. She’d be in her Jeep the second Jenn and her kids arrived.

AJ carried the mug of tea to the living room, which had become a hospital room since her mother’s accident. A big adjustable bed inhabited the space, seeming out of place in a room fraught with doilies, lace, and ruffles. AJ’s stomach clenched to see her stalwart mother bedridden. She’d never thought of Florence Foster as old—even though she’d recently turned seventy-one.

Lorelei James's Books