Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(16)

Then take charge.

She finished the beer and hopped off the barstool. “I want your hands on me now, Cord.” She hooked her finger in his belt loop and towed him on the dance floor to the corner farthest away from the stage.

He placed his hot palm on the small of her back, urging her lower body against his, threading the fingers of his left hand through the fingers on her right.

AJ slowly dragged her palm up Cord’s arm just to feel his muscles before she rested her hand on his shoulder. “Isn’t this better? We can make the music fit our mood, not the other way around.”

“Seems you’re in a reckless mood.” Cord stared at her, no hint of a smile. “Why’re you flirtin’ with me like this?”

“Besides that you are one hot, sexy cowboy?”

“Bullshit. Are you playin’ some kind of game with me? Seein’ if you can get the old man hot and bothered and then flit away to laugh about it with your girlfriends?”

“No. Geez, Cord. You have such a high opinion of me.”

“Nothin’ personal.”

“Just women in general?”


AJ let her fingers trace the ridge of his collarbone. “I wouldn’t tease you. But I will admit I have an ulterior motive in flirting with you so shamelessly.”

His eyes hardened. “Why?”

“Because I want something from you.”


“For you to teach me everything you know about sex.”

Pause. “Come again?”

“Oh, I’d like to come again and again.” She smiled triumphantly at his stunned expression.

“You’d better be explainin’ that.”

“What I know about sex is what I’ve seen in the barnyard.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, that and some porn.”

He gave her another skeptical look. “Is there a reason you’re sharin’ this information with me?”

“Yeah, but it’s sort of embarrassing. You are looking at the only twenty-two-year-old virgin in all of Crook County.”

Cord quit moving, causing AJ to stumble into him. The man was rock solid. Heck, everything about him was firm and broad and hard. Very hard. Mostly his eyes right now.

“This is some kinda joke, right?”

“No.” She predicted he’d be suspicious, but mad? Yikes. She tried to snatch her hand from his to escape, like hightail it straight for the South Dakota border and not look back.

“Oh, no you don’t, baby doll. You don’t get to tell me somethin’ that fogs my damn brain over and then dart away like a scared rabbit. We are gonna discuss this, in detail, right now, since you brought it up, Amy Jo.”

She lifted her chin defiantly. “It’s AJ.”

“Fine, AJ.”

“Could we keep dancing? You sorta stopped.”

He spun them so his back was to the room. His deep blue eyes locked on hers.

“Lemme get this straight. You ain’t never been naked with a man. Now that you’ve decided you’re ready to spread your gorgeous legs, you’ve picked… me to be the lucky one?”


The muscle in his jaw snapped. He opened his mouth. Closed it. Finally he said,

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