Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(13)

She giggled.

“Hey, bro, you mind takin’ the rear? I wanna suck these titties while I’m hittin’ the f*ckin’ Jazz-pot here.”

Jasmine giggled again.

His brother tossed him a condom.

Kade lay back on the bed, resting on his elbows. Jasmine threw a leg over Kade’s hip, aligning her hole with Kade’s cock. Kade pulled her ass cheeks wide and pushed the broad head past that puckered pink opening and into the channel.

She made a happy sounding moan and leaned back, putting her hands on the mattress by Kade’s ribs and bounced on his dick like it was a pogo stick.

Kane aimed and drove into her *. He set the rhythm, he’d thrust forward then Kade would bump his hips back. Kane lifted Jasmine’s tits and slurped her nipples.

Jasmine was into it; Kane was into it. Kade just wanted the whole f*cking thing to end. What’d started out as a sexy romp had become tiresome. Emotionless. A into B—

then B switches places and C goes into B. It was mechanical sex. No anticipation. No lingering touches or unexpected caresses or slow, sweet kisses. No…connection.

Christ. He must be a f*cking wussy-loser if he’d rather be rolling in the sheets playing kissy-face with some nameless woman than participating in a threesome with an uninhibited stripper.

The action increased. Kane pumped his hips, Jasmine started to come, Kane shouted and came.

Kade wondered if they’d notice that he hadn’t come. In fact, his dick was semi-soft.

Jasmine laughed, lifted off Kade’s pole and rolled onto Kane, keeping his cock inside her, biting his neck like a pesky little dog.

Definitely time to go.

He met his cousin at the door. A bleary eyed Colt swayed into the doorframe and swigged the last of the vodka, before tossing the bottle to the floor. “You leavin’ already?

We’re just gettin’ started.”

“She wore me out. See you guys in the mornin’.” Kade showered and locked himself in his room. When he heard Jasmine screaming and the headboard banging into the wall again, he inserted his ear buds and cranked up his iPod.


The next morning Kade rolled out of bed at five-thirty. He started the coffee and shoveled down a bowl of Lucky Charms. The house was disgusting. Dirty dishes piled on the counters. Empty beer bottles and cans everywhere. The garbage overflowed in the corner. He was half-afraid he’d see spent condoms and empty wrappers in the living room.

His brother stumbled in and headed straight for the coffee. “Man. I’m gonna be draggin’ ass today. What’re we doin’?”

“Dad said fixin’ fence and the baler.”

Kane groaned.

“Whose turn is it to clean up the house?”

“I dunno. Colt’s probably. That’s why it’s a f*ckin’ mess.”

“I’m sick of it. He can clean the place up tonight after chores or I’m changin’ the locks and he can sleep in the f*ckin’ barn like the animal he is.”

“Right, like that’ll happen. Think he said somethin’ about Jasmine bringin’ some friends over tonight.”

“Great. Then I won’t be stickin’ around.”

“Why not?”

“Don’t mention it to Dad today, but I told Uncle Darren I’d check out the problems he’s havin’ with that old Chevy of Grandpop’s. Uncle Harland ain’t any help because he’s tryin’ to keep an eagle eye on Dag. I’m surprised Dag wadn’t here last night to join in the debauchery.”

Lorelei James's Books