Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(17)

“Christ almighty, do you know what that does to me? Hell. You don’t, because you’ve never—”

“You can just say no, Cord.”

His lips curled oh-so-slowly, in a decidedly predatory grin. “Here’s the deal: I don’t wanna say no.”

AJ froze.

“Keep dancin’, you sorta stopped,” he teased.

Neither spoke for a few beats as they swayed together.

Cord placed his mouth to her ear. “But before I say yes, I’m curious about a couple of things.”

His hot breath sent shivers down her neck, tightening her nipples against his chest.

“Like what?”

“Like why you’re still untouched. Because if this is a religious issue and if you’re lookin’ for a preacher and a weddin’ ring, I ain’t your man.”

“I’m not.”

“Good.” He sighed in her hair. “Then why are you innocent? You are sexy as shit.

Don’t pretend there ain’t been men sniffin’ around.”

AJ angled her head to feel Cord’s smoothly shaven jaw rub over her cheek. Mmm.

He smelled good. Warm skin beneath a hint of spicy aftershave. By the way his body tensed she figured he liked it when she rubbed him like a contented cat, so she kept right on doing it.

“AJ? You gonna answer that?”

“Okay. When did you notice I was sexy as shit, Cord McKay?”

He laughed softly. “Got me there.”

“Exactly. I haven’t been with a guy before because”— I was too busy working my ass off—“I didn’t date in school. When Keely and I moved to Denver there were lots of guys sniffing around, but I was embarrassed to admit I’d never done it.”

“Nothin’ to be ashamed of. I still don’t get why me. Lots of young fellas around here—”

AJ stopped dancing and jerked back from him.

But his iron grip didn’t waver. “What?”

“Say no, but do not try to convince me that Mikey is a better choice for my first lover than you. Don’t treat me like a child who can’t choose between a grape or a cherry lollipop. I’ve thought this through. If you don’t want a piece of me, say so and walk away.”

“I want a piece of you, baby doll, like you wouldn’t f*ckin’ believe. Just had to make sure this wasn’t somethin’ you decided on the spur of the moment.”

“It’s not.”

“Then c’mere. You’re gonna hafta get used to havin’ your body against mine.” Cord pulled her even closer. “Get used to feelin’ my hands on you. All over you. All the time.”

Her hormones did the happy dance.

The band segued into a slow, mournful ballad and AJ’s eyes drifted shut. She lost herself in the sensation of finally being where she’d always dreamed: in Cord McKay’s arms.

“How much experience do you have?” Cord murmured.

“You ask a lot of questions.”

“I expect an answer to every damn one.” His lips brushed her temple. “Where all’ve you been kissed besides your pretty mouth?” Cord’s free hand slipped up her waist to her ribcage. His thumb lightly stroked the bottom swell of her breast before sweeping higher, across her nipple, until it was a hot, tight point. “Here?”

Lorelei James's Books