Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(19)

AJ stared at him with those beautiful big silvery eyes.

“C’mere. Can’t touch you when you’re standin’ so far away.”

Cord offered his hand and walked backward until they were hidden in the space where the cab of his truck ended and the truck bed of his diesel pickup started. He curled his hands around her face, bringing her lush mouth to his.

She started to twine her arms around his neck. Cord growled, “Keep those hands by your side ’til I say otherwise.”


He brushed his lips back and forth over the curved warmth of hers, then kissed a path to the tempting mole. A couple of light tongue flicks and he returned to her succulent mouth.

AJ’s breathing was erratic. She’d licked her lips, leaving them moist and slightly parted. Cord darted his tongue inside, groaning at the sweet taste of mint and AJ. He angled her head, nibbling, licking, coaxing her tongue to play with his. She let him do whatever he wanted, but she wasn’t the eager participant he’d anticipated. “You gonna kiss me back, AJ?”

Her eyes were a stormy gray. “Not if you don’t let me use my hands.”

“Fine. You can use—”

Then her hands were gripping his hair and she smashed her mouth to his.

No gentle exploratory kiss; she thrust her tongue in and devoured him. Tasting, sucking, God, biting, taking him to a whole new level of need with her hunger. AJ held nothing back, she kept kissing him harder, urging his mouth open wider, feeding him long, deep, wet kisses, touching his face, tugging his hair when he attempted to move away, stoking the fire higher until he was afraid he’d combust in his Wranglers.

Cord ripped his mouth free. “To think I was crazy about your mouth before I knew you could use your mouth like this.”

“Don’t stop,” she panted against his throat. “Please don’t stop. I want you. Kiss me again. And again. And—”

He cupped her face and took her mouth in a brutal show of possession.

AJ met his demands with unrestrained passion.

He bit a path up her jawline to her ear, keeping his body against hers. “Need to touch you.”


“Hands back by your sides. That ain’t a request.” Cord teased her with fleeting, soft kisses, his hands slid down her throat to the buttons on her blouse. He unhooked them one by one, dragging his callused fingertips from the smooth skin of her belly to her bra.

He sprung the front clasp and peeled the lacy cups back. Her heavy breasts filled his waiting hands.

She shuddered. “Cord—”

“Let me.” His rough thumbs strummed her nipples. “God, you’re so pretty. All creamy and soft and sweet.” He rubbed his goatee and openmouthed kisses across the upper swells of her breasts. Cord curled his tongue around a rigid tip.

AJ arched into him.

“Like that?” He lapped and licked and blew a stream of air across the wet buds, but never sucked them completely. He glanced up at her when she made a frustrated noise.

Her top teeth dug into her bottom lip in her effort not to cry out. Yet her curious gaze remained on him.

Cord bent his head and suckled her. Hard. Deep. Thoroughly.

“Oh. I really like that.”

He switched sides, taking his time, losing himself in her taste and the feel of her in his mouth. She writhed when he pushed the soft mounds of flesh together to tongue both nipples at the same time. “I wanna suck these as you’re ridin’ me. I wanna feel these tips diggin’ into my thighs as you put your mouth on me. Do you want that, AJ?”

Lorelei James's Books