Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(20)

“Yes.” She bumped her hips to his; her body knew what it needed even if she wasn’t sure how to get it.

As Cord kissed his way up to her neck, his hand inched down to the hem of her skirt.

A few teasing strokes and his fingers crept up the inside of her silky thigh.

AJ’s whole body tensed.

“Open your legs for me, baby doll.”

She closed her eyes, allowing her head to fall back against the truck as her knees widened.

His fingers brushed her naked, damp sex. “You did take off them sexy panties. Good sign that you obeyed me.” He nibbled on her ear. “You are wet. Means you like what I’m doin’ to you.”

“Uh. Yeah.”

“Look at me.”

Her eyes fluttered open.

Cord swirled his middle finger around her opening, coating it with her juices before he pushed it inside, greedily watching her face to see her response to the intrusion.

She gasped.

“Does that hurt?”


He pumped his finger in and out a couple of times before he added a second finger.

“You like that?”


“But what? Tell me.”

“I-I…don’t know. It feels good, but I want…more. Even when I don’t know what more is.”

He thrust his fingers deeper and swept his thumb across her clit. “This kinda more?”

“Oh. That feels so good.”

Cord latched on to her right nipple, suckling strongly, twisting his fingers inside her, increasing the friction on her clit. His cock was hard as a baseball bat, and he was tempted to grind it into her hip, but the only thing he cared about was making her come.

Watching her come.

Her legs shook. She started to moan. He softly bit down on her nipple. And AJ lost it. Her clit throbbed beneath his thumb. She squeezed her legs together trying to shove his fingers deeper into her channel. Her fingernails pierced the back of his neck as she urged his head closer.

It was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen and he’d forgotten her hands were supposed to be by her sides. So f*cking unbelievable he was the first man to touch her this way.

Cord waited until she’d caught her breath before he removed his hand from between her legs.

She peeked at him from beneath lowered lashes, smiling shyly. “Wow.”

He pinned her arms by her side and kissed her for several long minutes. “Come home with me. There’s lots more I can wow you with tonight.”

“I can’t.”

“I thought you wanted—”

“I do want this, and I want you. I’m not playing hard to get, Cord. But the reason I’m home is to take care of my mom. Jenn and I trade off, depending on her schedule. She’s been there all afternoon and she’s leaving at eleven. Someone has to stay with Mom in case she needs something and tonight that’s me.”

Cord stared at her as she refastened her bra and buttoned her blouse. “Why didn’t I know this?”

“I’d planned on talking to you earlier, but I forgot while we were dancing. And then we came out here and, Lord, I couldn’t think straight when you started touching me.

See?” She laughed and pointed at the crooked row of buttons. “So I understand if you’ve changed your mind and wanna back out.”

Lorelei James's Books