Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(25)

“The man of steel ain’t got nothin’ on me right now.”

“Sort of looks that way.” She slipped her fingers under the elastic band and stopped.

“Take off your T-shirt first.”


“I wanna see you mostly naked.”

“Remember you said that when my turn comes around.” Cord whipped the navy cotton over his head and chucked it on the floor.

Her eyes bugged out. “No wonder you always wear a shirt. Keeps the bulls from chasin’ after you as well as the lovesick sows. Lord. I could just eat you up.” AJ pressed a kiss above the brown nipple, then rubbed her lips over that smooth, warm flesh, amazed by how fast it puckered.

Rough male hands curled over her cheeks. “Focus, AJ.”

“You saying the only part of you I can touch is your…?”

One dark eyebrow winged up. “My what?”

“Your…you know.”

“Say the word, baby doll. You’re gonna be handlin’ it soon enough.”

“Your cock.” When he pulled his underwear to his knees her eyes bugged out again.


Cord didn’t say a word. He just watched her.

AJ ran her finger up the pulsing vein from root to tip. She drew circles on the purplish head and the whole shaft jerked against his flat belly. A bead of clear liquid covered the slit. She wrapped her hand around the girth and squeezed. Hard, not unlike steel, but smooth. And hot. Heat singed her palm, zinging from his cock right to her core as if an electric current flowed between them. She moved her fist down to the thick base and back to the top.

He hissed.

She looked up at him.

“Jesus. You should see your eyes.”

“Do they look scared? I don’t know how to tell you this, Cord, but I don’t think this is gonna fit in me.”

He laughed softly. “Oh, it’ll fit. It’ll be the perfect fit, trust me.”

AJ released him, letting her fingers lightly trace the length from tip to root. Touching him was making her wet and squirmy. She reached down to feel his balls. “Are they always this hard and tight?”

“Only when I’m about to blow.”

She wanted to see him blow. “Show me how to make you do that.”

“With pleasure.” Cord kissed her first, encouraging her to keep touching him by kissing her harder when she did something he liked. Then he broke his mouth free, reaching along the countertop for a bottle of olive oil and uncapped it. “Hold out your hand.” He dribbled a few drops on her palm. “Saliva is a better lubricant, but this’ll do.”

Another wave of heat blasted her as she imagined tasting him, feeling the velvety skin of that stiff rod sliding between her lips and across her tongue.

“You’re killin’ me. You wanna know what it’ll be like to have my cock in your mouth, don’t you?”

“Is that bad?”

“Hell no.”

AJ gripped the base of his shaft and stroked up with her whole hand. “Tell me what to do.”

“You’re doin’ it. Go a little faster. Yeah. Like that. Don’t squeeze too hard unless you’re tryin’ to keep me from comin’.”

“Umm. Why would I want to do that?”

Lorelei James's Books