Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(23)

Once they were outside, Jenn collapsed against AJ and sobbed.

AJ wanted to cry along with her, but she’d have to be the strong one in the family.

Again. She should be used to it by now.

Jenn pushed back and wiped her face. “Sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about.” AJ unloaded suitcases and boxes. “Where is everybody gonna sleep?”

“I thought I’d take Mama and Daddy’s room since she’s not sleeping in there. I’ll put Krista and Ariel upstairs next to you, and Mason in the spare room, okay?”

“That’s fine.” They carried everything into the house.

“I need a drink.” Jenn opened the liquor cabinet. “Wanna get drunk with me? I can give you all the reasons why you shouldn’t ever get married.”

AJ glanced at the clock. “Look, sis, I have something I need to do tonight. It’ll take an hour, hour and a half tops.”

“You’re leaving? But…” Jenn’s eyes filled with tears.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can. I promise. Then we can stay up and talk as late as you want.”

She nodded and knocked back a slug of Jim Beam.

AJ grabbed her purse and was out the door.

Took ten minutes to reach Cord McKay’s place.

AJ parked in front of the big house and stayed in the car, telling herself she was admiring the stunning structure, but in truth, she was scared. How would Cord react when she told him she couldn’t stick around tonight? After she’d bailed last night? She couldn’t stand it if she’d waited all this time only to have him change his mind because their damn schedules didn’t mesh.

After she knocked on the screen door, he yelled, “It’s open.”

She hesitated in the foyer. “Cord?”

He poked his head out and pointed to the receiver next to his ear and gave her the five-minute sign.

AJ wandered into the kitchen. She’d been in this gorgeous house many times, but never when Ky wasn’t underfoot. The place was huge and she knew from listening to Keely that Cord’s ex-wife had demanded he build her a brand new log house with all the amenities when she’d agreed to relocate to Wyoming. The house boasted a formal living room and dining room, a family room, a huge master bedroom and bathroom, five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a state of the art kitchen and an outdoor hot tub. But even the ostentatious house hadn’t been enough to keep her around.

How could she walk away from the spectacular vista of gold and green fields against the backdrop of the pine-covered hills spread out beyond the sliding glass door? The view was more amazing than the house, in AJ’s opinion.

Bootsteps on the wooden floors stopped behind her. “Sorry. I was talkin’ to Ky.”

“How’s he doing?”

“Seems to be all right. They’re goin’ on a boat ride in the sound tomorrow, so he’s pretty excited.”

“How’s Dad doing?”

“Miss the squirt like I lost my right arm.”

She continued to stare out the window. “This is such a beautiful view.”

“The one good thing about this damn monstrosity.” Cord placed his hands on her shoulders. She jumped. “Relax. What’s got you so tense?”

“Family stuff. Jenn and the kids showed up, which I expected. I didn’t expect her to tell me she’d left her husband.”

Lorelei James's Books