Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(18)

Her breath hitched. “Ah. No.”

He twirled them, dancing backward, smoothly inserting his leg between hers.

“Here?” He pressed up so she was riding his thigh. “You ever had a man’s mouth tastin’ your sweet spot?”

AJ softly moaned at the exquisite pressure and heat of his hard muscles rubbing her tender flesh. The thought of his tongue licking there made her throb with want.

“Yes or no?” he growled.

Dizzy, she managed, “N-no.”

“Has any man ever touched this *?”


“You’ve touched yourself? Made yourself come?”


Cord hissed. “You’re drivin’ me crazy, thinkin’ of all the things I’m gonna do to you. How many different ways I can make you come.”

“Show me.” AJ tightened her thighs around his. “Show me it all.”

“Remember you said that.” He blew softly in her ear and she shivered like a newborn babe. “Soon as this song ends, I’m goin’ outside. Meet me by my truck in ten minutes.

This is between you and me. No one else needs to know what we’re doin’. Understand?”


The final drumbeat sounded and Cord eased away from her. AJ locked her knees to keep herself upright.

“Ten minutes. And you’d better not be wearin’ them sassy panties.”

Chapter Six

Cord hadn’t known what’d happen tonight. Hadn’t been entirely sure she’d even be here. He hadn’t expected AJ to ask him to teach her about sex and he sure as hell hadn’t expected her to be a virgin.

A virgin.

Sweet baby Jesus. Had he ever been with a virgin?

Not that he recalled.

So why was he considering bedding the virginal AJ? She knew nothing about taking and giving pleasure. In truth, who was he to talk? Cord hadn’t been in a steady sexual relationship since his ex-wife left him. Sure, in the last couple of years he’d slaked his lust on rare occasions, but did that qualify him to teach her?

Hell yes. Actually, it offered the perfect chance to prove to AJ (and himself) that screaming-raw-hot sex owed nothing to love—just to lust and opportunity, both of which’d been sadly lacking in his life lately. With Ky gone for the next few weeks…and AJ home temporarily…it was a win/win situation for them both.

Plus, being the first man to stroke that baby soft skin everywhere, to f*ck that tight * with his fingers, his tongue, his cock. Those possibilities stirred primitive instincts he’d never believed he owned.

Cord heard bootsteps to his left. He watched AJ’s approach with open appreciation.

Damn. Her ample breasts swayed provocatively. Every roll of her slender hips sent the miniscule white skirt brushing across the tops of her thighs. Would she move that sinuously under him? On top of him? On her knees before him?

“I thought you might’ve changed your mind,” he said softly.

“Not at all. It’s just…” Her gaze flicked from him, to the cab of his pickup, to the tailgate and back to him. “Where are we doing this?”

“Baby doll, I ain’t gonna throw you up against my truck and f*ck you senseless for your first time.” He grinned. “But that don’t mean it ain’t a future possibility.”

Lorelei James's Books