Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(16)

Rogan cupped her breasts in his hands, pinching and twisting her nipples slightly, while Parker’s fingers gripped her hips holding her in place for his focused thrusts. Like a seesaw, they set up a rhythm that drove her toward a monster climax she wasn’t sure she would survive. Giving up resisting the sensations, she clenched down on the two cocks embedded in her body, and released herself to the orgasm that had built.

She heard her own scream of pleasure as though from a distance, just before Parker and Rogan jointly thrust into her body and let themselves come. She rested her forehead against Rogan’s collarbone while Parker pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck.

“That was…” she stopped trying to come up with just the right word for what that was.


“Sexy as fu-ck?”


“Only the beginning.”

“Perfect,” she finished with a giggle at their suggestions. “It was perfect. I can’t wait to do it again.”

Rogan laughed, and kissed her forehead. “Aw shit, we’ve created a monster.”

“That’s one monster I don’t mind feeding. I think we’ll keep her,” Hudson said from nearby. Rachel lifted her head to eyeball him because he sounded serious about keeping her. His shrug and wink reassured her that he was still his playful self, and she sighed heavily. Arching her back she gave a little wiggle and heard two masculine groans of appreciation.

“I have to agree, it was pretty damn perfect and, sunshine, if you keep that up, you’ll be doing it again in no time,” Parker murmured against her temple.

A shiver of lust shot through her, and she bit her lip. She had just had multiple mind-blowing orgasms, and yet her pu-ssy gripped Rogan’s cock like a handcuff. She could feel the craving for them building inside of her again, and she mentally shook herself. If this kept up she would lose herself to them and get hurt when it was time to say goodbye. Instead of thinking about the inevitable moment of completion, she looked up into Rogan’s eyes and smiled.

Chapter Six

“So what’s for dessert?” she asked with a wicked grin.

“Hmm…I think we should just turn you into dessert,” Rogan said, kissing her nose before he slid out of her body, and went to deal with the used condom. Parker was right behind him, leaving her exposed from the back as well. She wasn’t cold for more than a second, before Hudson and Sawyer were filling their places.

“Rogan, if you had tasted her, you would already know she’s sweeter than any dessert,” Sawyer said while he nuzzled his face into her hair from behind. She felt a blush creep up her cheeks that triggered another round of laughter from the brothers.

“Are you hungry, honey?” Hudson asked, looking more seriously at her.

“Well, you guys did just work my ass out.”

“Damn right I did,” Parker said with an arrogant smirk as he brought a washcloth out of the bathroom. She was shocked when Hudson moved out of the way, and Parker reached for her.

She jerked away from him rolling to her back. “What are you doing?”

“I was just going to clean you up. Is that a problem?” his eyes narrowed into a frown.

“Why? I can do it.” She was puzzled. She knew she was less experienced than they were, but she had never heard of a man taking the time to wash his partner after sex unless it was in the shower.

“Because I want to, and you deserve to be cared for.” He waited patiently with his hand on her upper thigh, unwavering from his request.

When she finally relented and gave him a nod, his look of approval melted her insides. His eyes never left hers, and his touch between her thighs was gentle as he wiped the evidence of their loving away from her skin. To her surprise the gesture felt completely natural, as if she had felt it a thousand times, and anticipated feeling it a thousand more. His large hands handled her like a delicate piece of china, but she remembered distinctly the strength they had had when he gripped her hips. A little rush of moisture flooded her pu-ssy, and she felt her cheeks light up with a blush as his eyebrow raised in question.

“You need to eat again, sunshine, before we take care of the problem you seem to have there,” Parker said as he finished wiping her clean, and went back to the bathroom.

She shivered when the cool temperature of the room chilled her damp nether regions, and turned her attention back to the other three Brooks brothers. Rogan and Hudson had both managed to pull jeans on, but Sawyer still reclined beside her, deliciously nude.

“Sawyer, as much as I enjoy the view, if you don’t get dressed I might just jump you again,” she said, playfully running her finger down the indentation in the center of his six-pack abs.

“fu-ck that. Go ahead and jump me, baby. I’m all yours,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Rogan suddenly scooped her up from the bed drawing a startled yelp from her. “No you don’t. You need a little break. We are far from done playing with you, but I want you to last through the whole weekend, and besides, if you’re going to jump anyone, it should be me.”

He stood her on her feet next to a large chest of drawers and quickly pulled out a white t-shirt. Smiling, he tugged it over her arms and down to cover her nudity, before he stepped back to take in the view. From nearby Hudson whistled, and Sawyer groaned.

Lori King's Books