Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(13)

Parker released her clit long enough to say, “Come for me, Rachel.”

With that demand echoing around them, she seemed to explode. Her body jerked and thrashed, and a red hot blush covered her from her sweaty forehead to her beaded nipples. Her eyes were clenched tightly shut, and her mouth gaped open as she screamed out Parker’s name.

It was magnificent, and Sawyer felt his heart swell. He wanted to spend the rest of his life watching this woman reach her climax under his and his brothers’ hands. A moment of guilt shot through him that they hadn’t been completely honest with her when they convinced her to come out here.

The four of them had had many a conversation regarding Rachel Morgan, and every scenario they imagined ended with her accepting them as a unit and living happily ever after. Now that they had the opportunity, they were on a mission to convince her the five of them could make this work.

Parker finally raised his head, and his heavy lidded eyes were filled with lust. Sawyer could see Rachel’s juices covering his chin and lips, and again he wondered how she tasted. Deciding he couldn’t wait any longer, he moved away from his position by her head until he stood next to Parker between her thighs.

“Damn, that’s a beautiful sight,” he murmured softly as he stared down at the prettiest pale pink pu-ssy he had ever seen. She was completely shaved, and her tiny clit was beaded up begging to be played with. Her pu-ssy lips were swollen, and dripping with cream. “My turn, baby.”

Sliding one finger through her folds, he caught her desire filled gaze, and he lifted his finger to his mouth to suck the juice off. She moaned at the sight, and he smiled down at her with a quick wink.

Dropping to his knees between her spread thighs, the hot musky scent of female fogged his brain further. He was vaguely aware of Rogan moving up beside her head to give her access to his cock. Her little pointed pink tongue darted out to lick the moisture from Rogan’s dick, and Sawyer’s own cock jerked in response.

Blocking out what was happening at the head of the table, he focused on the juicy slit in front of him. With his thumbs he spread her plump pu-ssy lips wide, and ran his tongue through her cream. Her clit throbbed with her pulse, and he could feel her muscles clenching as he thrust his tongue inside of her. The sweet flavor of her cream sent fire snaking through his body, and he had to squeeze the base of his own cock to regain his control.

Close to embarrassing himself, he stood and reached for the condoms that one of his brothers had dropped on a chair. He ripped it open with his teeth and covered his aching cock as quickly as he dared. With protection in place, he placed the head of his dick against her moist pu-ssy, and pressed forward.

The moment he began to sink into her hot body, was like reaching heaven’s gates, and seeing them open to welcome him. Her back bowed up, and she released Rogan’s cock as her mouth dropped open wide, and she cried out. Sawyer’s balls tightened at the sound of his name on her lips, and he stopped his forward motion for a moment to let her adjust around him. The tight muscles were fluttering inside her body, and he knew he didn’t have long before he wouldn’t be able hold his climax back.

She reached out with her hands, and pressed against his chest as if to hold him back as she twisted her hips a little, fine-tuning the position so she could accommodate his size. Once her hands relaxed, Sawyer looked up at Parker who always seemed to lead the way in these encounters. Parker reached for her hands pulling them back up over her head where Rogan was now waiting to hold them to the table.

The position opened her entire body to their view, and left her vulnerable to their every whim. Sawyer could hear the hitch in her breathing, and a flash of insecurity went through her eyes. He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile, and thrust another inch into her.

“Oh my God!” she cried out, throwing her head back, and clenching her hands into fists. Rogan didn’t let go of her wrists, and Sawyer could see every muscle in her body grow taut.

Hudson and Parker exchanged a look and a nod, before they each took up residence on opposite sides of her body. Bending, they each took a nipple into their mouths, and judging by Rachel’s instant clenching motion on Sawyer’s cock he was assuming they bit down on those sensitive buds.

Using the distraction to his advantage, he thrust the rest of the way into her body, and he could feel his cockhead hit her cervix just as his balls slapped against her ass.

“Holy fu-ck you’re tight, baby,” he moaned, letting his own head fall back, as he relished the molten heat that enveloped him.

“Please, Sawyer!” she groaned, and Parker lifted his head.

Parker’s eyes flashed, and Sawyer bit his bottom lip, knowing his brother would want to hear more than her pretty pleas. Sawyer barely heard him over the pounding of his own heart, as Parker instructed her, “Please what, Rachel? Tell him what you need.”

“I need…move, please…I need you to move.” She writhed underneath them so violently that Sawyer had to grab ahold of her hips to keep his position in her cunt.

Using his hands to hold her in place, he began slowly retreating and thrusting forward. He was desperately trying to maintain his control over his own needs so he could bring her the most pleasure possible. Suddenly, she began bucking like a wildcat underneath him.

“Please, Sawyer, harder!” she begged, and his control snapped. Slamming his hips forward he fu-cked her. He plowed into her, enjoying the way she pushed her pu-ssy against him begging for more without saying a word.

Lori King's Books