Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(12)

“Rachel, tell us what’s wrong? You were so hot a second ago, what happened?” Rogan’s voice cut through her internal monologue, and she felt a rush of heat creep up over her cheeks and chest.

“I’m embarrassed,” she whispered. When there was no response she cracked her eyes open. All four men stood gaping at her as if she had lost her mind. She closed her eyes again, praying she would wake up from this dream.

“Rachel, open your eyes,” Parker demanded. He looked pleased when she complied and stared into his dark chocolate glare. “Tell us why you’re feeling embarrassed.”

“I’ve never been with more than one man, and…and…” she hesitated, but their matching looks of confusion and concern caused the words to tumble out. “I’ve never even had sex with the lights on. I don’t like the way I look naked, and Mitch always told me that my boobs were too small. And I know my hips are a little too big—”

Sawyer’s mouth cut off her rambling as he bent and kissed her long and deep. By the time he let her come up for air she was nearly panting, and she had moved her hands away from her breasts to grip his shoulders. He smiled down at her, and she smiled back.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of, baby. You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen in my life, and if the erections my brothers are sporting are any indication, they think so too.” Sawyer’s tone was serious, but his smile was playful, and his eyes were tender. She darted a glance at the others, and they each nodded their agreement.

“Rachel, let me make one thing clear,” Parker said in the deep growly voice that made her pu-ssy clench. “There isn’t a damn thing about you or your body that I want to change, and I don’t ever want to hear you say his name in our house again. Any man who would make his woman feel like less than a goddess when she is gifting him with her body, is an ass.”

Rachel found herself giggling in spite of the gravity of his words, and she laughed harder when Parker couldn’t keep his stern face straight anymore and he cracked a grin.

Rolling his eyes Parker sighed, “Do you understand what I’m saying, sunshine?”

“You’re telling me to stop being self-conscious, because you want me as is,” she said with another wide grin.

“Damn right I do,” Parker said, and he moved back up between her thighs, “now spread your legs for me.”

She did it automatically, and was rewarded by his soft praise, “Good girl.” It washed over her like a soothing balm to her damaged ego, and she reached out to draw Sawyer back down to her mouth.

As she kissed Sawyer she could feel Rogan and Hudson each take up residence on opposite sides of her, and begin lavishing her body with kisses, licks, and sucks. Her brain ceased functioning the moment Parker’s hot breath feathered over her dripping pu-ssy lips.


Sawyer shared Rachel’s breath as he kissed her with every ounce of the emotions rolling through his body. The idea that this gorgeous, strong woman would feel insecure in front of him and his brothers completely blew his mind. He had been half in love with her for the last five years, and now that he had tasted her, and held her in his arms, there was no way he could go back. It would be impossible to let her go.

Her mouth dropped open underneath his in a gasp of delight, and he turned so he could see the top of Parker’s dark head moving between her beautiful white thighs. His mouth watered at the idea of tasting her sweet cream.

Sawyer tore his gaze away from Parker eating her pu-ssy when her hands cupped the back of his neck, and his shoulder, alternately gripping and clawing at his shirt. He tugged the offending material over his head and dropped it on the floor, relieved to have another barrier out from between them. Rachel’s smile of pleasure as her gaze roamed over his naked chest sent his ego skyrocketing to the moon.

He held still while she ran her hands over his pecks and down to the fly of his jeans, but when she groaned and her hands fumbled with the buttons, he took over and removed them too. Parker was keeping her on the edge of orgasm, and Rogan and Hudson were teasing and tempting every inch of her naked flesh they could reach.

“Oh yes!” she moaned as her hips rocked and thrust against Parker’s face.

Her moan was like gasoline on Sawyer’s already burning libido, so he reached out and cupped her cheek, turning her to face his rock hard erection. When she licked her lips and her gaze focused on his cock, he lost every bit of control he had. He pressed his angry red cockhead against her soft pink lips, and she automatically opened for him. Her hot little tongue ran over the bottom ridge of his corona, and he clenched his teeth fighting against an early orgasm.

“Holy shit,” he gasped, and his brain went fuzzy. His hips pressed forward automatically, and he was surprised to find she opened her jaw to him easily. She didn’t gag, or choke as his cockhead found the back of her throat. She actually seemed to become more turned on the deeper he slid into her, and he watched in awe as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked him deeply down her throat. Her throat muscles tightened around his sensitive crown and he felt his balls tighten up. “You’re going to kill me.”

He very nearly embarrassed himself by shooting his wad down her throat before she had even come once, but she let go of him when her body arched violently up from the table. A quick glance down showed him that Parker had a couple of fingers thrust into her pu-ssy, and was sucking hard on her clit.

Lori King's Books