Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(15)

Her hand slid into Rogan’s short hair and held him close while he feasted on the puckered nub. Eyes clenched shut, the pleasure overwhelmed her, and she screamed out Hudson’s name, crashing through the barrier to find yet another release. She felt his dick jerking inside of her and he gripped her hips, holding her against him while his cum filled the condom he was wearing.

For just a brief flash, she wondered what it would feel like to be full of his cum, to feel him dripping from between her thighs as she moved. A shudder of desire rumbled through her body, and she sighed heavily.

With her eyes still closed, she focused on the movements around her. Hudson lifted himself away from her body, but not before giving her a tender kiss and nuzzle on her exposed throat. Parker and Rogan seemed to move in unison, climbing onto the bed on either side of her, and shifting her to her side. When she felt one hard cock press against her pubic bone, and another between her ass cheeks, she inhaled sharply and her eyes popped open.

“What—” she started to protest, but Parker’s gentle nip on her shoulder cut her off.

“Shhh...Rachel we both want you, but you’re so responsive that you’re going to wear yourself out before we all have an opportunity. Haven’t you ever wondered what it would feel like to have a hard cock in your ass, while another is fu-cking your pu-ssy?” Rogan whispered to her.

She stared into his dark brown eyes seeing emotions she wasn’t ready to handle there. The truth was she had always fantasized about a ménage, but fear had kept her from attempting it. She had always assumed that anal sex was more for the man’s pleasure than the woman’s, because the few experiences she had had with it weren’t fantastic. But Rogan was offering her both. He wanted to pleasure her, while Parker took his pleasure in her ass.

Another thought occurred to her just as she was getting ready to nod her agreement. “Won’t you be able to feel each other? Isn’t that a little weird?”

She heard Parker chuckle behind her, but Rogan just smiled down at her. “Yes, we can feel each other via you, but I promise you there will be skin separating us, and neither of us will be focused on each other. Only you, sexy. We want to bring you the ultimate pleasure.”

She hesitated, but Parker gripped her chin and turned her so she could see him. “Sunshine, we won’t hurt you. I promise. Let us make you feel good.”

There was honesty in his eyes, and she wanted so desperately in that moment to please him that she would have done anything. Nodding her agreement, she saw his slow smile as he murmured, “Good, girl. Now, kiss Rogan while I play with you to get you ready.”

Rogan didn’t waste any time capturing her mouth with his. He ravished her, suckling her tongue and biting her lip gently. There wasn’t a crevice in her mouth he missed, and when he finished exploring, he started over again. It was a good thing he was so intent on distracting her, because she hadn’t even noticed Parker retrieving some lube and rubbing it against her ass-hole, until he pressed his finger into the tight ring of muscles.

She instinctively clenched down on his finger and pushed against him. It was a foreign discomfort, but she didn’t feel any pain. Awkwardly, she froze in her kissing of Rogan while she tried to grasp the rainbow of sensations Parker’s finger was causing in her rectum. He pressed in and out at a slow, gentle pace for a few thrusts before he added a second finger to the motion and stretched her further. A slight burning pinch was followed by a wave of intense pleasure as Rogan thrust his two fingers into her dripping pu-ssy. Simultaneously pleasured from both sides, she moaned loudly.

“That’s it, sunshine. Tell us what you like,” Parker murmured against her ear with a little growl, before spreading his fingers wide stretching her tight passage. “I’m going to fu-ck this little ass, and you’re going to beg me not to stop.”

“Please! Parker! Rogan!” she gasped each word out on every thrust of their fingers, and lifted her leg up and over Rogan’s hip, opening her wider to their touch.

Rogan wasted no time in rubbing his condom-covered cock in her juices and pushing his way into her pu-ssy. Her cunt was like a greedy glove sucking him in and trying to hold him close. After a few shallow thrusts, he managed to sink completely into her, and she shivered with anticipation as Parker’s lubed up cock pressed gently but firmly against her tender ass-hole.

Instead of pushing into her right away, Parker reached around and pinched her clit hard. It fuzzed her brain nearly sending her into another orgasm. The moment her muscles relaxed from their tense state, he pressed the head of his cock into her, forcing his way past the tight circle with a grunt. Suddenly he stopped, and she let out all of the air in her lungs in one solid whoosh.

Before she had a chance to ask questions, Rogan was withdrawing from her and Parker was easing the rest of the way into her channel. He slid in much smoother this time, and she let out a low moan.

“I’m in,” Parker said in a tight, husky voice.

That was Rogan’s cue, and he wasted no time pushing back into her tight pu-ssy. She pressed back against Parker and tried to relax as both men found their way into her body. They held completely still for a couple of heartbeats to let her adjust to them, and she had to admit she was enjoying the feeling of Rogan’s cock pressing against her G-spot, while Parker's filled her backside. The sensation of fullness was so strong she felt herself choking for air, and she dug her fingernails into Rogan’s biceps. Throwing her head back onto Parker’s shoulder, she clenched her eyes shut against the onslaught of their loving.

Lori King's Books