Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(14)

His orgasm was like hitting a wall of fire when it broke inside of him. He could feel the jets of cum spewing from him into the condom, and her pu-ssy tightened like a vice around his cock as she reached another orgasm.

The sound of her screaming out his name was the best thing his ears had ever heard. Until Rogan released her arms and she wrapped around Sawyer, burying her face into his throat, and whispering his name again. That moment his heart melted, and she owned him body and soul. Whether or not she knew it, understood it, or accepted it, he would always love the little spitfire that gave her body to him so willingly, and with so much passion.

Chapter Five

Rachel’s world was tilted on its axis by her second orgasm, and she was having a hard time bringing it back to center. Sawyer’s cock was still buried deep inside of her, and he was slumped over her body, wrapped in her arms. She loved the sweaty, sticky feeling of his muscular chest against her tender breasts.

“Wow,” she whispered, and all four men chuckled.

“Are you alright, baby?” Sawyer asked, kissing her on the nose as he brushed the hair away from her face.

“Hell yes. I’m fantastic!” His satisfied grin made her giggle. “I think I just saw stars for a minute there.”

“Aww, cut that out. He’s going to get a big head if you keep stroking his ego,” Hudson said as Sawyer gently pulled free of her body.

“Mmmm….after that performance he’s allowed,” she moaned, stretching her muscles, and arching her back. Lying on their kitchen table naked and glowing with her orgasms, she felt sexier than she had ever felt in her life. Hudson stroked his hand over her belly causing the muscles there to twitch in anticipation, and his eyes sparked with amusement.

“There’s more to come, if you’re up for it.” Her eyes met Hudson’s, and when she nodded, his smile lit up his face. Bending forward he claimed her mouth in a deep kiss. His tongue stroked hers and she had the distinct feeling he was trying to memorize her flavor. As he broke off the kiss, he whispered breathlessly, “Pinch me.”

“What?” She tipped her head back and frowned up into his dark brown eyes.

“Pinch me, honey. I’m not sure this is real. I’ve been dreaming about getting my hands on you for so long, that I’m afraid I’ll wake up and this will be a dream,” he said softly, and she could hear his brothers groaning at his sweet words. She ignored them, and tugged him down until their foreheads rested against each other.

“You aren’t dreaming, cowboy, but if you don’t get to it, you might miss your opportunity. Your brothers are still waiting for their turn,” she whispered loudly, causing him to laugh as he scooped her up in his arms off the table.

“Well if I’m going to make my fantasies come true I’m not doing it on the kitchen table. I want you in my bed,” he said as he stalked through the house with her in his arms. She found herself spread out on his bed a moment later, and she glanced up as Rogan and Parker followed them into the room. Rogan had removed his shirt earlier, and his pants were unzipped from her sucking his cock, but both Hudson and Parker were fully clothed.

Her frown must have caught Rogan’s attention, “What’s wrong, Rach?”

“Why am I the only one naked?” she asked with a small pout.

“You’re not, I’m naked too, and if these dumbasses don’t get busy, I’ll be warming those sheets with you again,” Sawyer said as he came through the bedroom doorway, still naked and with a semi-hard erection again.

She laughed as Hudson ripped his clothes off like a wild man, while Rogan and Parker removed theirs more deliberately. The two oldest brothers seemed content to let Hudson take his turn without interference, and they both stood back watching as Hudson moved between her legs. She willingly spread them wide, and held her arms out to him in welcome. He took her mouth again in a gentle kiss that promised he would be a sweet and sensitive lover.

His fingers skimmed over her lower belly, and then down to the top of her slit. When he reached the dripping moisture there, he groaned against her tongue, and pushed his finger deeper into her folds.

Pushing her hips up, she encouraged him to go as far as he could, before he pulled back and rubbed her clit with little circles until it was once again throbbing with need. Her thigh muscles were twitching as she gripped him tighter to her, and he ran the head of his cock through her juices getting it nice and wet.

She jumped when she felt him rub the tip of it against her tight ass-hole, and his eyes shot to hers. She knew her shock and apprehension showed on her face, because he smiled reassuringly and began to press his dick into her wet cunt.

“Has anyone ever had the pleasure of fu-cking that sweet ass, honey?” he asked her as she thrust her hips up to meet him. She nodded her head, and heard three corresponding sighs of relief from nearby. “Good, that makes things simpler.”

Before she could formulate a response to his words, he was slamming his cock in and out of her vibrating body with a force that was quickly going to send her spiraling out of control. Her cries of delight echoed throughout the room, along with their heavy breathing, and his groans. Hudson’s cock filled her up as fully as Sawyer’s had, and she clenched her muscles around him trying to keep him inside of her. With his hiss of breath encouraging her, she clawed at his muscular arms where they were braced beside her hips, and rocked her hips up to meet his every movement. She could feel her breasts bouncing with the rhythm, but she still squealed in surprised when Rogan moved to her side and captured one of her nipples in his mouth.

Lori King's Books