Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(19)

Chapter Seven

“Damn. I want to share next,” Hudson said in a husky voice from behind her. She jumped a little at the reminder of their audience, and giggled.

“Only if you have ice cream,” she responded with a laugh, as Rogan lifted her up and into his lap.

She settled her head in the crook of his neck and inhaled his spicy male scent deeply, enjoying the feeling of his fingers running up and down her arm and leg, and his wide chest pillowing her body. Before she could stop herself she yawned widely, and Rogan chuckled.

“Our girl is damn near asleep, boys. I think it’s time to give her a little rest.”

Rachel lifted her head and looked around at the other brothers. No one seemed upset at all, and she breathed a little sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, guys. It’s been awhile since I’ve had more than one orgasm in a night, and I lost count of how many I had tonight. I think Rogan’s right, I need some sleep.”

“Rachel, don’t ever be sorry to tell us what you need,” Parker answered with a frown. He stood and moved to her side, reaching for her. She went willingly, and he began leading her back down the hallway toward the bedrooms.

They bypassed Hudson’s room this time, and went into another across the hall. She was surprised to find herself in what was clearly Rogan’s room. He had the same bedframe as Hudson, but his room was neat as a pin. There was very little clutter scattered on top of the dresser and nightstand, and the sheets were even turned down at the head of the bed awaiting its nightly occupant. She giggled at the pair of slippers she saw peeking out from under the edge, and then jumped when Hudson spoke in her ear.

“Yeah, he’s a bit of a neat freak. The rest of us aren’t so much, that’s why Parker brought you in here. We’ll have to make do with switching rooms until we get the master suite finished. Then we’ll have more space.”

Rachel flashed him a smile. “It has a bed and a pillow so it will work perfectly for my needs tonight. So which one of you is a cuddler?”

“That would be me, baby. I’m a spooner,” Sawyer said, stepping into the bedroom behind Hudson. Rogan followed, and she was again surrounded by large muscular bodies.

It’s like I’m in heaven.

Shaking off the lust that kept fuzzing her brain, she patted Sawyer’s chest. “Good to know. You have to sleep in another bed, because I need my own zip code when I sleep.”

He looked shocked, and his brothers were all laughing. “What?”

“Yep, sorry, big guy. I am not a cuddler. In fact, I’m kind of a bed hog, so whomever is brave enough to share the bed with me, gets what he deserves.” She turned and walked away from them, not wanting to be a part of the discussion over who would share her bed. That wasn’t a choice she could make. Reaching the doorway to the bathroom, she turned back, “I’m going to wash up before I sleep. I’ll just be a minute.”

No one said anything, so she went into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. She rested her back against it and stared at herself in the mirror over the sink. The woman staring back was tousled and looked like she had been well loved. Her hair was in wild curls around her head, and there was a small love bite on her throat. Swollen lips were reddened, and her eyes were slightly glassy. A whisker burn ran down the inside of one thigh, and she grinned remembering how it got there. Never before had she felt so affected by anyone.

It was a pity that it was four men instead of just one, because there was no future in this weekend of pleasure. Her stomach dipped as she thought about leaving Sunday. How would she handle seeing them around town? Or God forbid seeing them with another woman at the bar? This whole charade was going to blow up in her face, she had no doubt, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to leave. She wanted to suck the joy out of every possible moment she could so later she could look back on this weekend and smile.

Straightening her spine, she washed up, and ran her fingers through her hair. There was a change of clothes in her bag, but she wasn’t interested in taking off Hudson’s t-shirt. It felt too perfect to want to remove it. Blocking out the reasons she shook herself mentally because she wasn’t ready to examine those feelings.

When she opened the bedroom door, she was stunned to find Rogan and Parker both in the room waiting for her. “Seriously, guys? I wasn’t joking. I’m not the best sleeping partner.”

Rogan grinned and Parker shook his head, “Sunshine, we’re putting you in the middle, that way we can rein you in when we need to. Don’t worry about the two of us, we’ll be fine.”

She sighed and shrugged, “Okay, but if you hit the floor in the middle of the night, don’t blame me.”

They were settled into the bed in a few moments, and she lay on her back staring at the ceiling with a man on either side of her watching her. It was awkward. What was she supposed to say?

“You’re overthinking,” Rogan said softly.

The darkness hid the ever-present blush that heated her cheeks, and she turned her head to look at him. She couldn’t see the definition of his face, only his silhouette, but she knew he was completely focused on her right now.

“Tell me why four brothers would ever want to share a woman amongst them?” she asked quietly, expecting them to deny her.

Parker sighed heavily, and ran his hand down her arm to lace his fingers with hers. “I can’t speak for the others, but for me it’s something I struggled with when we first started talking about it. I have very strong dominant tendencies—”

Lori King's Books