Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(23)

“Tell me about your family, Rachel. I only know the town rumors, and we all know how often those are right.”

She turned in his arms, and gave him a half smile while staring up into his eyes, “I’m not sure you’re ready for all of that…chaos. Let’s walk down to the bank. Did you know I was a champion rock skipper as a kid? No one could beat me.”

Rogan desperately wanted to argue, but the sway of her hips as she made her way down the steep embankment fogged his brain. Wasn’t that why he brought her here in the first place? To have a wonderful “time out” with her, and a quiet point to talk, away from all of his brothers. A chance to make love to her without anyone else interrupting them. On that thought he followed her, grinning at her pleasure as she began to collect flat rocks.

“The trick is to find the right rock. It has to be flat and smooth, but not too big or it will be too heavy to bounce.” She spun and a rock sprung out of her hand bouncing several times across the glassy surface of the pond. The delighted laugh that bubbled out of her throat filled an empty spot in Rogan’s soul.

“I wouldn’t have taken you for a rock skipping champ. Hudson was always the best at this game, just like I was always the best student, Parker was the heavy lifter and the athlete, and Sawyer was the funniest. We each had our talents.”

She flashed him a smoldering smile, “Oh, I’ve already figured that out. You four are very talented men.”

Suddenly the sensitive sweet side of Rogan disappeared as all of the blood pooled in his balls and his cock slammed against his zipper. “No, love, you haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of our hidden “talents” yet.”

“Really? I mean, I would have thought you would have given me your best game on the first shot, just to make sure you got a second chance…”

His eyes narrowed at the challenge, and he stepped menacingly toward her. Stalking her as though she was prey. “You weren’t impressed? I seem to recall a lot of screaming for an unimpressive event.”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t impressed. I just said I was disappointed you were holding back on me. What other little secrets are you keeping bottled up inside of you, Rogan?”

Just like that, he had her pressed against the wide trunk of a Maple tree, her legs spread on either side of his and her mouth parting underneath the onslaught of his kiss. He devoured her, savoring her flavor, branding the feel of her skin under his fingertips into his brain.

Sliding one hand down to cup her ass, he threaded the other hand into her thick hair and held her in place so he could make love to her mouth. Their hips rocked together in a motion as old as time, and as seductive as a siren’s call. He couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from her any longer, and he pulled back so he could release the button on her jeans, and she tugged at his zipper.

“Hurry, Rogan! I want you!”

The roaring in his ears grew louder at her plea, and he groaned, “fu-ck. That’s all I needed to hear, baby.”

It took another minute to get her boots and jeans off, but he didn’t pause to finish stripping her. Slipping a condom over his already aching cock, he lifted her until she locked her ankles around his lean hips lining her pu-ssy up with him. Placing one hand between her back and the rough bark of the tree, he used the other to guide and steady her hips as he sunk into her warmth.

Like adding kindling to a fire, he went up in smoke the moment his cock hit her cervix. The feeling of completion was intense, and he had to close his eyes to keep from telling her how much it meant to him. She reached out to him, gripping his shoulders, and pressing her breasts into his chest as she buried her face in his neck. Her moans echoed his thrusts as he took her fast and hard, not even flinching when she bit into his shoulder and climaxed in a magnificent display of sexual satisfaction.

Again and again he pumped his cock into her, refusing to allow himself to come because it would end the pleasure. Her whimper of pain froze him mid-thrust, and he jerked his head back to stare down into her face in horror.

“What is it, love? Did I hurt you?”

She grimaced before giving him a small smile, “The tree—”

Even with his hand between her shoulder blades and the tree, his enthusiasm had drilled her lower body into the bark. When he withdrew from her and turned her around, he could see the raw red skin where it scraped her.

“Holy hell! I’m so sorry, Rach.” He reached for his zipper, but she stopped him by wrapping her hand around his latex covered cock.

“Don’t! I don’t want you to stop, but we should probably find a more suitable location.” Relief rushed from his brain to his balls at her words and he cast a quick glance at the surrounding landscape looking for a spot that would be easier on her. A frown puckered his brow as he considered and dismissed several locations before she spoke again.

“Really? It doesn’t have to be so complicated Rogan. Come on!” He couldn’t keep from laughing as she tugged her shirt off and then put her boots on her bare feet and meandered closer to the pond naked. His laughter quickly gave way to raw lust while he watched her sweet ass sway back and forth like pond grass. She walked all the way to the end of the dock before she stopped and shucked her boots off. “What’s taking you so long? Don’t you want me anymore?”

“Believe me, Rachel, watching you walk through the trees and grass naked has me harder than a fence post. Now I’m just waiting to see what you do next.”

Lori King's Books