Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(18)

She tore her mouth away from Parker, panting hard and enjoying the blazing lust that glowed in his eyes. “Thank you.”

The muscles in his jaw softened just a little bit, and his lip quirked up, “Sunshine, you’re sexy as fu-ck when you get all high and mighty. Makes me want to paddle your ass until it’s red hot.”

Rachel swallowed hard as her pu-ssy creamed at the mental image of him spanking her ass. “I will have to make sure I disobey you regularly.”

The wicked grin that spread across his face, and the matching groans from his three brothers, made her laugh. It was a whole body laugh as she tossed her head back and just let the joy of these four men fill her up. Parker settled into a chair with her straddling his lap, and his thick cock pressing his zipper against her clit.

“Mmmm…you don’t feel like you want to eat right now,” she said, trailing kisses down his throat.

“Well, I want to eat right now, honey, but it ain’t this ice cream I want to eat,” Hudson said from behind her.

“Ice cream?” She stopped what she was doing and twisted to see three pairs of desire-filled eyes focused on her ass where the t-shirt had ridden up. “Hey, eyes up top!”

Laughing, Rogan reached for the tray of bowls, and waved one at her. “Come here, sexy. I know you have a weakness for ice cream, and I will happily share mine.”

Parker swatted her ass gently as she climbed out of his lap to move over to Rogan, and she flashed him a grin. Turning back to his older brother, she frowned. “Hey, why are there only four bowls?”

Rogan just grinned and waved a spoon at her. “I told you I would share, come here, Rach.”

When she was settled on his lap, he held up a spoonful of vanilla ice cream for her, and she grinned. “Where’s the chocolate syrup and whipped cream?”

“I’ll give you cream, baby,” Sawyer muttered under his breath, while Hudson handed over a bottle of chocolate syrup. Rogan quickly added it to the bowl of ice cream and the spoon before lifting it to her lips.

“Open wide,” he teased, and this time she obeyed without hesitation. As soon as the ice cream hit her tongue, her eyes drifted shut and she sighed.

“Mmm…that’s good,” she moaned with pleasure. “How did you guys know I have a soft spot for ice cream.”

Parker snorted, “Sunshine, everyone in town knows how often you visit the ice cream shop. I believe you have a particular affinity to the Chocolate Mountain flavor, or at least that’s what flavor I’ve seen you with.”

“Yeah, Dotty actually created that flavor just for me, because I love chocolate so much.” She sat in Rogan’s lap staring across the room at Parker with wide eyes. It was astonishing to her that these guys knew her that well. If someone had asked her yesterday about the four Brooks brothers, she would have simply explained they were friends, but not close friends. Apparently, they were closer to her than she thought.

“Your ice cream is melting, Rach,” Rogan said softly, holding another spoonful up to her parted lips. She took the bite, and then licked her lips with pleasure.

Rogan’s eyes followed the movement of her tongue, and his pupils dilated. She could feel this cock thicken under her ass, and she squirmed a little enjoying his sharp hiss of breath. His fist tightened on the handle of the spoon as he dipped more of the sweet concoction for her. It was really quite decadent to be sitting half-naked on his lap while he hand fed her. Add to the fact his three equally sexy brothers sat nearby watching and waiting for their turn to share with her, and it melted her mind. Her clit started to throb, and she shifted her position, drawing a groan from Rogan.

He continued to feed her the ice cream, and she made sure to tease and taunt him with every lick of the spoon. Just as the spoon jingled in the bowl signaling the end of the erotic interlude, she slid from his lap to the floor between his knees.

“What are you doing, sexy?” Rogan’s jaw was clenched, and his abs were drawn up tight with tension. She could see the fat mushroom head of his cock sticking up over the top of his blue jeans, and her mouth watered.

“Thanking you for sharing your dessert,” she whispered as she slid his zipper down carefully so as not to maim his twitching cock.

“fu-ck,” he groaned as she darted her tongue out to lap at the drop of pre-cum glistening on top of his erection.

“Not yet, Rogan, be patient,” she murmured, licking her way down his cock to his balls and back up. Opening her mouth as wide as she could, she slid her lips over his length, sucking hard as he hit her tonsils.

The sound of his heavy breathing echoed in her head, and she forgot about everything except the feeling and taste of his thick dick in her mouth. She couldn’t quite take him all the way down her throat, so she added her hands to the mix, and began a squeezing twisting motion in combination with her sucking. Pressing her tongue up against the sensitive spot just below the corona of his cock, she hummed softly, and nearly laughed when he cursed again.

The large vein on the underside of his prick started throbbing, and she pulled back to tease the head a little more. Apparently that didn’t suit his current plan, because he slid his hand into her long hair, and gripped her tightly. Directing her head downward, he thrust up to meet her. Relaxing her jaw so she could take more of him, she let him face fu-ck her.

Her eyes opened to watch him, and met his dark brown gaze as he watched. A shiver of lust stroked through her at the need she saw on his face. Swallowing hard, she began a hard sucking motion as he thrust between her lips, and with a shout, his cum began shooting into her mouth. Refusing to lose a drop, she tightened her lips, and swallowed every bit of his cream, enjoying the feeling of feminine accomplishment as he dropped his head back onto the chair and sighed heavily. She didn’t release his cock until it stopped twitching, and she sat back on her haunches. Rogan tugged his hand free of her hair, and stroked it down her cheek with a wink that made her blush.

Lori King's Books