Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(17)

“What?” she asked curiously.

“Ever heard that song by Keith Urban? The one that says “you look good in my shirt”?” Hudson’s eyes had darkened with heat, and she felt lust coil in her belly.

Rogan ran his hand down her arm, before brushing a lock of her brown hair away from her eyes. “Oh yeah, I have never seen anyone look so good in a plain white shirt.”

Rachel shifted uncomfortably, and wrinkled her nose, “Okay enough of that. I don’t need pretty words—”

“You need to eat, and rest,” Parker’s commanding tone cut off her words as he pushed Rogan out of the way and grabbed her hand. Spinning her around so she faced the door, he directed her out of the bedroom. She could hear the curses and grumblings of his three brothers as he stole her from their presence and led her into the living room. “But, Rachel, if we want to whisper pretty words to you, you need to just enjoy them.”

She rolled her eyes as he set her down on her feet next to the sofa. His sigh of frustration was loud and clear. “Sit down.”

She flinched. “I’m not a dog, Parker!”

The muscle in his jaw twitched as he clenched his teeth. She could tell he wasn’t used to being disobeyed when he gave a command, but she was ridiculously pleased when he finally said, “Please sit.”

She hesitated before letting out a loud huff and plopping down onto the sofa.

“Thank you, sunshine. We’ll discuss punishment for your attitude later.” He winked at her as he left the room, and she snapped her gaping mouth shut. Sawyer and Rogan stood in the doorway with matching grins on their faces, while Hudson followed Parker to the kitchen.

“What did he mean by that?” she asked, but only got shrugs in response.

“Who knows? Parker is a special kind of guy,” Sawyer said as he sat down next to her and pulled her into his lap.

She knew she should probably resist just to keep some distance between them, but her body instinctively snuggled into his broad chest. His warm masculine scent filled her nose and she let it sink into her brain. She felt so comfortable in his arms. It was like she was meant to be there. A twinge of unease niggled at her brain. She was getting too close to these guys. If she let herself, she could easily fall in love with the four Brooks brothers, and that would get her hurt. Her entire body tensed at the thought, and Sawyer noticed.

“What’s wrong, baby?” he asked, frowning down at her. His arms were still wrapped around her, with one hand resting on the outside of her upper thigh, and the other cupping her butt. With his naked chest pressed against her cheek, she could feel his heartbeat pick up speed at her silence.

“Nothing. I’m good,” she whispered, running her fingers over the small patch of hair between his nipples.

“What happened with Mitch?”

Parker’s voice was loud in her ears as he came back into the room carrying a tray. The awkward question wasn’t one she had any interest in answering. Especially not when telling the truth would point out her flaws to the four men she had just had mind-blowing sex with.

“None of your business,” she snapped without moving from her place in Sawyers arms. He seemed to freeze underneath her, and she tilted her head to look up at him. His eyes were suddenly jumping between her and Parker, and it made her very uncomfortable.

“Rachel, I’m going to ask you again, and this time it would be in your best interest if you answered me with a little more respect. What happened with Mitch?” Ice laced Parker’s voice now, and it tweaked at the feminist in her. Why did he have to ruin the moment by turning into an arrogant ass-hole?

“Respect this, Parker, Mitch is none of your fu-cking business. What happened between us happened, and it’s over now. I’m here with you, but I won’t be for much longer if you don’t get off your goddamn high horse and stop treating me like I’m a child.” She stood and moved toward the hallway door with every intention of getting showered and getting dressed to leave. Rogan’s hand shot out and latched onto her wrist stopping her before she made it that far. The temperature in the room dropped at least fifteen degrees as she stood glaring at Parker, who just glared back in that domineeringly sexy way. Why the hell does he have to be so hot when he is being so bossy?

“Rachel, he just wants to know if we need to go kick Mitch’s ass for hurting you,” Rogan said, easing his grip and stroking his thumb over the pulse in her wrist.

She jerked her head over to stare at him in surprise, and then looked back to Parker who hadn’t moved a muscle. “Is that true?”

His only acknowledgement was a sharp nod, and she immediately warmed inside. That certainly changed things. Pulling her wrist from Rogan’s loosened grip, she took two large steps and leapt up into Parker’s arms locking her legs around his waist, and pressing her bare pu-ssy against his naked abs. Like he was actually expecting it, he caught her with ease, and wrapped one arm around her waist while his other arm went under her ass to support her. She pressed a hot kiss to his open mouth, sucking his tongue into hers, and pushed all of the passion, gratitude, and desire she had for him into the kiss. He responded instantly, squeezing her tightly, and groaning against her mouth.

“Well hell, if I had known bossing her around would get her all worked up like that, I would have tried it myself,” Sawyer grumbled behind her from his place on the couch.

Lori King's Books