Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(11)

Taking a large gulp to steady her nerves, she caught Rogan’s knowing grin, and smiled shakily back at him.

“You can relax. We aren’t going to tackle you and rip your clothes off,” he said, shaking his head in amusement.

She giggled when Sawyer piped up, “Unless you ask us to!”

“Shut up, jackass,” Parker said smacking Sawyer upside the head.

“Just giving the lady her options. You never know, she might like it rough,” he said with a shrug, and a wink in her direction. Her face blossomed into another blush, and she mentally chided herself for her reaction to them. At this rate, they were going to think she was a virgin!

Parker made his way over to the table and pulled her up into his arms gently. “Don’t listen to him, sunshine. He has spent so much time fantasizing about getting you home and in his bed, that he can’t help himself.”

She rolled her eyes, and turned around to face Sawyer. “For the record I’ve never had it rough, so I don’t know if I would like it or not.” She was pleased she was able to pull off the haughty tone, which caused Sawyer’s mouth to drop open, and his eyes to glaze over with lust.

“fu-ck,” Parker groaned against her ear as he wrapped an arm around her middle, and pulled her backwards against his chest. Goose bumps prickled over her skin at the intimate embrace, and his hot breath against her neck sent tendrils of fire straight to her belly.

She lifted her eyes to see that Hudson, Sawyer, and Rogan were staring at her with heated desire on their expressions, and she could feel her panties grow even damper. Moisture was building between her thighs making her shiver, and her nipples budded up into tight nubs.

Parker ran his hands up to cup her small breasts, and he gave them a gentle squeeze that drew a gasp from her. That response seemed to set him on fire, and he spun her back into his arms so quickly she collapsed against his chest with a cry.

His mouth descended on hers, and she opened for his tongue. Lightning shot through her system, igniting her entire body, and she reached up to grip his shoulders tightly, holding him close. Clutching at him like a lifeline in a hurricane.

Another body pressed against her back, and she curved her spine so her ass could grind against the thick cock there, and her breasts could still rub against Parker’s chest. Soft lips pressed against the side of her neck as she kissed Parker, and she moaned into his mouth, earning herself a quick nip on her bottom lip.

Hudson’s hands that came around to the front of her shirt, and untied the knotted tails there. He tugged it gently from her shoulders leaving her in just her blinding red bra, short skirt, and black boots.

When Hudson’s hands cupped her breasts from behind, she gasped again and broke off her kiss with Parker to cry out in ecstasy. Through the soft satin bra cups, she could feel the heat of his hands like a brand on her aching nipples, and she could feel something strong building deep in her womb. Stronger than she had every experienced before. She could sense the loss of control but she deftly ignored it, allowing herself the pleasure of melting into their waiting hands.

Now Rachel was panting against Parker’s neck, as he suckled on her collarbone, and Hudson continued to strum her breasts like a harp. Parker bit down on the tender flesh of her shoulder, and she whimpered, her knees buckling. The two men held her up between them, and before she could react, they were moving her onto the kitchen table that just a moment ago had been set for a meal.

Lying on her back staring up at the ceiling fan in the Brooks brothers kitchen while all four of them stood over her with lust in their eyes, was better than any fantasy she had ever had in her life.

As always Parker made the first move. Tugging her skirt down over her hips, and stealing her boots along with it. Her fire engine red bra seemed to fascinate Hudson, and he gently traced his fingers around its edges, before slipping them inside to pinch her nipple. Her body jerked upward as if she had been shocked, and a warm hand on her belly pressed her back down onto the table.

Sawyer was staring down at her belly button ring like it was a lost treasure, and with an audible groan he bent to flick his tongue into the tiny cavity before teasing the dangling crystal until she whimpered. He pressed open-mouthed kisses all over her belly from hip to hip. His hot breath was erotic and soothing all at once. She tried to relax under their ministrations but found her hips rocking of their own accord, like she had no control over them at all. She felt her thong being tugged down her legs, and then she heard the sweetest words ever spoken to her.

“fu-ck that is sexy,” Rogan said sharply as he stood next to Parker and admired her shaved pu-ssy. Sawyer was still focused on her belly and abdomen, and Hudson had managed to divest her of her bra. He now cupped one breast, and sucked hard on the other.

She could feel her own insecurities well up for a moment, and before she knew it, she was drawing her knees closed and moving her hands to cover her nudity.

“Hey,” Hudson yelped as her nipple popped out of his mouth, “What do you think you’re doing, honey?” His hands came up to the sides of her head, and he sunk his fingers into her hair to hold her still.

“I-I…” her voice cracked, and she clenched her eyes shut so he wouldn’t see the tears that welled up in them.

What was she doing here? How did this all spin out of control so fast? She had four men making love to her naked body, and she was desperate for it. Like an addiction to a toxic drug, she was afraid she would never get enough of their touches.

Lori King's Books